This employee's favorite animal is raccoons
Who is Hannah?
This employee in high school state literary rally placed third in health.
Who is Erynn Bossier?
This employee worked technical theatre for three years.
Who is Ellie Eastridge?
This employee has skydived three times.
Who is James Boffenmyer? AKA Supreme Leader James.
This employee can bite into ice cream with no discomfort.
Jahnexi Morgan
This employee was student of the year in 8th grade?
Who is Emma Circello?
This employee has six siblings
Who is Noah Alrashidi?
This employee's favorite chemical element is Cobalt because twenty-seven is their favorite number
Who is Rumaan Baloch?
This employee used to have pet raccoons.
Who is Karly Daigle?
Who is James Powell Adams?
This employee can eat six and a half hard taco shells in one sitting
Who is Beth?
This employee has read the entire Ranger's Apprentice series, consisting of thirty-nine books.
Who is Trenton Reason?
This employee has a Pokemon tattoo
Who is Aby Skellham?
This employee during family reunions kids in their family make pointy sticks and drag the adults into the woods, where a prison awaits them. It’s called the revolution.
Who is Tyler Borel?
This employee has lived in six different homes?
Who is Nyla?
This employee has been to Disney World 53 times!
Who is Gracie?
This employee has a pet cat who is over 20 pounds and loves sour things like lemon juice and warheads sour spray, is called Pitty because he's so pitiful
Who is Linzie? If spelled incorrectly lose 10 points L-I-N-Z-I-E
This employee slapped their pre-k teacher because they didn't want to take a nap...and their parents had to come pick me up:(
Who is Mindi?
This employee can't speak any foreign language even after five years of Spanish and two years of French
Who is Kevin Lancon?
This employee has built a boat made of cardboard that could hold 250 lbs. and not sink.
Who is Emma Brooks?