Practice Madness
Connor McDavid
League Leaders
In The Future
More Stuff
This person proposed the idea to use robots in the GHP's training sessions.
Who is John Tavares
He is the captain of this NHL team.
What are the Edmonton Oilers
The League Leaders' jobs are to do this
What is lead the leagues. Look over the leagues. (Something with being the head honchos of the professional leagues)
Sidney time travelled to this year
What is 2029
This is the year Connor got drafted into the NHL
What is 2015
These two people were selected by John to test out the new method of training
Who are Sidney Crosby and Jonathan Toews
He is the Master of the this supernatural society
What is the EHP (Evil Hockey Players' Society)
The League Leaders' headquarters are in this place.
What is New York or New York City
This phone is out in future
What is iPhone 10s
The 2015 NHL Draft took place in this city
What is Sunrise, Florida.
The new method of the training took place at this place.
Where is John's house. Or New York. Or New York City. Or Brooklyn.
He had a partnership with this group
What are the League Leaders.
The members of the League Leaders' names are these rhyming names
Who are Harry, Larry, and Gary
This drink is no longer produced in the future
What is almonade or almond water
John did not want Sidney to inform anyone about the future because this might happen
What is the destruction of the universe due to the time-space continuum being distorted.
The robot did this to Sidney
What is injured him and used him as a shield. (It's okay if you only said one of those)
He has this position in the supernatural side of the NHL
What is the right hand ruler of the NHL. Or ruler of the NHL.
The League Leaders approved of the robot project for this reason
What is for the hockey players to no longer get hurt
This team is nonexistent in the future
What are the Los Angeles Kings or LA Kings
This is what John ended up doing with the training sessions with robots
What is got rid of the experiment. Trashed the plan. Got rid of it. No longer decided to pursue it. (Something like that!)
Jonathan did this to defeat the robot
What is make it disappear, put it out of existence, used Existance Manipulation on it. (Something like that)
He tried to avoid Sidney doing this so that the EHP would have a better opportunity to gaining control of the NHL earlier.
What is for Sidney time travelling back into the past.
The League Leaders wanted to get rid of the power players for this reason.
What is so that they can do whatever they want to do without the fear of the power player stepping in with their powers, against what they're doing.
This new restaurant is around in the future thanks to this particular hockey player
What is Nugent-Hopkin's Hoppin' Nuggets; Ryan Nugent-Hopkins.
Tommy Gorman likes this sport quite a lot; it is safe to say he likes it more than hockey!
What is horseback riding.