What is a CHW? And what is our role?
Community health Worker- CHW’s are trained public health workers who serve as a bridge between the communities they serve and the health care systems, social services, and even state health departments.
What do you need to do for the supplemental learning?
choose 4 supplemental learning
How long is your presentation?
3-5 min is fine, if you need longer please lmk
In the CHW Code of Ethics, can we stray away from the truth a bit to help a client?
No, trust us key to a good relationship.
What is Self-Awareness?
being conscious of oneself, beliefs and traits, feelings and behaviors...
A CHW can sometimes be called other titles and wear different hats in their job description? T/F
What is Behavioral Health?
Umbrella term that includes mental health, mental illness, and substance abuse issues.
Assignments due will help you with your final project? T/F?
Why do we need a Code of ethics?
Your ability to be respectful and responsive to the health of anyone, no matter where they are from, their background or how they define themselves.
What is caregiver burnout?
Working/ serving in your communities what are some top CHW skills that can be used?
power points, google slides, just read your assignment's, record your presentation is fine too, be creative! Answer questions from the final project outline too.
Are we able to counsel with a client or patient and help them make their decisions on health options?
We can give the client the resources and show them their options, it is not wise or ethical to guide them to any final decision making-
Self Evaluation and Review
Cultural Humility is a life long commitment.
What are the Key traits of being a CHW? Name at least 1?
Cultural Awareness/ Competence
Cultural Humility
Self Awareness
What is the best way to get out into the community to help?
find ways to help, search for events on social media, ask your local city branches, libraries, food banks, city offices...
Pick a few modules to help you with your final project.
Community Health Workers strive to provide high quality service to individuals, families, and communities. They do this through continued education, training, and an obligation to ensure the information they provide is up to date and accurate.
What is Quality of Care?
What is Advocacy?
"Working on behalf of the people" who can't speak for themselves, due to lack of skills or knowledge.
Will CHW's always be needed in the future?
Keeping notes and stats of your work in the communities can be helpful. T/F?
True- definitely keep track of numbers using health equity to guide you.
Using the skills learned from this course will help you...
working in the community for your final project
Our team participated in a beautiful garden setting for our Resource table at what event this past Spring?
Tulip Festival
Tell us about your cultural, yourself and how you value being a CHW?
who are you?