Catholic School
Public School
Cristo Rey
Boys Hope Girls Hope
General H.S. Knowledge
On the TACHS, students write down _____ schools that they wish to have their scores sent to.
On the Public School Application, students can apply to up to _____ programs.
There are 2 Cristo Rey schools in New York. They are __________ and __________.
Cristo Rey New York and Cristo Rey Brooklyn
Students that attend Boys Hope will automatically be enrolled at _________.
Bishop Loughlin High School
Some schools require additional forms and applications to apply. If a school asks for a recommendation letter, it is the ___________'s responsibility to ask the teacher to complete it.
The test that all students applying to Catholic Schools in New York is called the TACHS. This stands for ________.
Test for Admission to Catholic High Schools
There are _____ Specialized High Schools in NYC.
Part of the Cristo Rey model is that students participate in a work-internship program. Since all students are required to have working papers in order to do this, they have to be 14 years old by __________.
September 1st of the 9th grade
Students that attend Girls Hope will automatically be enrolled at _________.
Cristo Rey Brooklyn
The most important year for the high school process, in terms of grades/attendance/behavior, is the ________ grade.
When schools receive a student's TACHS score, they also receive a form that is called an "Applicant Record". On each student's Applicant Record are their grades, character grades, and attendance from the ________ grade(s).
6th, 7th, and 1st quarter 8th
Eight of the Specialized High Schools require students to take a test to apply. In order to apply to the 9th Specialized High School, students must audition. The 9th Specialized High School is called _____________.
LaGuardia High School
The Cristo Rey schools do not accept the TACHS for admission. Instead, in order to apply students must ____________.
Complete an application
For students who attend BHGH, they check into the boarding program every ________ night, and then go home every Friday after school.
At BJP, our 8th graders apply to Catholic and Public Schools. There are many schools in NYC, and in the surrounding areas. If a student wishes to apply to a school that we do not often talk about, he/she should ___________.
Talk to parents/Ms. Myers/teachers, research the school on their own, visit open houses
Students apply to 3 Catholic Schools on the TACHS. We encourage students to apply to schools ranging in difficulty and ranging in the likelihood they will accepted. We call the first choice school a __________ school, the 2nd school is a match school, and the 3rd choice is a safety school.
There are a few important things to look at when deciding which public schools to apply to. Ms. Myers told us that the most important ones were the location of the school, the graduation rate, and ________________.
The size of the school
The Cristo Rey schools do not have a matching uniform. Instead, students must wear __________.
Business casual attire
BHGH isn't just a boarding program. They also offer a lot of after-school tutoring, service learning and extracurricular activities, and for the older high school students, they provide ___________.
College prep
Some schools have Buddy/Shadow Days, where 8th graders can visit a high school for a day to get a better of idea of what it is like. In order to do this, students must request a Buddy Day directly from the high school and then ________________.
Tell Ms. Myers and Mr. Chap at least 1 full week before
There is a college-prep program called _______ that 8th grade families can apply to. If accepted into this program, students are matched with a sponsor who offers financial support and one-to-one mentoring for all 4 years of high school.
Student Sponsor Partners (SSP)
There are 8 different admission methods for the public high schools that determine how applicants are admitted. (For example, TESTING is one of these methods, which is used to apply for the Specialized High Schools, along with a few others.) Another admission method is called LIMITED UNSCREENED. In this method, students are given priority if they __________.
Attend an open house/information session/visit the school's table at the HS Fair
Students at Cristo Rey schools intern in a variety of different industries. The field that MOST students work in is __________.
In order to apply to BHGH, students must take a test called the __________.
Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT)
There are hundreds of high schools in New York City that students can choose from. The total number of New York City Public and Catholic High Schools an 8th grade student can APPLY to is ______.