Basics of SISTUHS

This school is the founding chapter of SISTUHS, Inc.

What is Florida State University?


This number and color represents what it means to have strength. (it is also kendra and alex's favorite color)

what is green and 12?


This number and color represents what it means to have initiative.

what is the number 1 and purple?

objective for spirituality
what is objective 1. promote spiritual growth? 

this is the woman of tenacity

who is mary jane mcleod? 

These two women are the founders of SISTUHS, Inc. 

who is SISTUH Akiba Jackson and SISTUH Germaine Smith-Baugh?


this woman helped free many slaves

who is Araminta Ross?


this woman of initiative worked as little as $1.50 to educate her daughter. 

Who is Sarah Breedlove? 


this color and number represents spirituality 

what is gold and 7? 


this is the color of tenacity

what is indigo?


Creed was written by...

Who is Elizabeth Moore?


these words can be used to describe what green represents

what is new life, growth, vegetation, and fertility. also the most basic and fundamental ingredient to life?


this shape is the symbol of initiative (bonus points if you define what it represents)

what is the circle of affirmation? Circle has neither beginning or end is symbolic to the number 1. 


this woman of spirituality held several roles of religious integrity, including prophet, judge, military leader and musician

Who is Deborah? 


The number 3 for tenacity represents.. 

what is represents that which is solid, real, substantial, complete and entire? and the triangle and trinity (NBOD, E-Board, and Members)


This is the date that Progressive Black Men was founded...

What is November 27, 1989?


Define strength

what is enduring a series of trials and tests, in which you learn from; and because of your knowledge, your life becomes a living testimony?


These adjectives are used to describe what purple represents. (say 3)

what is power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery and magic?


What does the number 7 represent? 

what is Seven letters in Acronyms, Seven letters in the word advisor/teacher, Seven rays on the sun

the process of extracting this color that represents tenacity involves

what is a lot of labor, two or three people actually get into the tank and paddle the water continuously for two to three days?


Recite the creed (what you learned so far)

What is "SISTUHS, Incorporated is an organization for women that was established to foster the personal growth and development of African-American women.  We aim to encourage Strength, Initiative, Spirituality, Tenacity, Unity, Health and Substance through community service, education, political activism, and the association of people."?


objectives for strength 

what is 2. Promote personal growth and develop knowledge of thyself and 5. Foster an environment amongst ourselves that is conducive to learning about the history, and the role of African-American Women have played and continue to play in developing this and other nations.


objectives for initiative

what is objective 6. develop local leadership to respond to community needs, particularly those of African-American women, and objective 7.Provide opportunities to educate ourselves as well as the community on political issues that affect the well being of African-American Women.


deborah's role shows that..

what is women weren’t always inferior to men since Deborah was called upon by God to deliver Israel?


objectives for tenacity

what is objective 4. Seek Guidance from Elder African American women and 7. Provide moral and educational guidance to other African American women in the community?