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College Readiness

If you could only study one section of the SAT the night before, which should it be and why?

Focus on the section you find most challenging. This is often the math section for many, as refreshing problem-solving strategies and formulas can significantly impact performance.


If you add half of 12 to a third of 12, what do you get?


Half of 12 is 6, and a third of 12 is 4. Adding these together gives you 10.


What is the optimal way to shoot a basketball from the three-point line?

Use a balanced stance, keep elbows in, follow through with your wrist, and aim just above the rim.


What’s a quick mindfulness exercise you can do before an exam?

Headphone Breather: Put on your favorite calming playlist, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing for a couple of minutes.


What are the top three qualities that college admissions officers look for in applicants?

Academic excellence(GPA), extracurricular involvement(doesn't mean join any/every club), and personal character/story.


What's the trick to eliminating two answers on any multiple-choice question?

Look for extremes or outliers that don’t fit the pattern of the question, and cross-check common patterns or errors in question types.


If water is made from hydrogen and oxygen, why can't we breathe underwater?

Water is made of tiny parts called molecules, which have two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom stuck together. Even though water has oxygen, we can't use it to breathe because our lungs are designed to take in oxygen gas from the air, not from water. The oxygen in water is part of the molecule, so it’s not in a form we can use to help us breathe.


In soccer, when is using a 'false 9' strategic?

When the team wants to draw out the opposing defenders and create space in the midfield for attacking plays.


Name a technique to overcome performance anxiety before a sports match or test.

Visualization techniques—imagine succeeding at the task, which can boost confidence and reduce anxiety.


How can you demonstrate leadership if you're not a club president?

By taking initiative in projects, supporting other team members, and showing reliability and commitment in your roles.


Which formula is a must-memorize for the ACT math section?

The quadratic formula, as it's frequently applicable in multiple question types across the test.


How can a comma change the meaning of a sentence? Give an example

A comma can change the entire context or who is being addressed. Example: "Let's eat, grandma!" versus "Let's eat grandma!" The first sentence suggests inviting grandma to eat, while the second mistakenly suggests eating grandma due to the missing comma.


Name an exercise to improve speed and agility for any sport.

Ladder drills or cone drills, which enhance quick feet movements and directional changes.


How can you help a friend who is feeling overwhelmed by schoolwork?

Encourage them to take a short break, help them organize their tasks, and offer to study together if possible.


What's one piece of advice you'd give someone starting their college essay?

Start with a compelling personal story that highlights your unique experiences or perspectives.


How do you best manage time during the reading sections of standardized tests?

Skim the passage first for the main idea, then tackle the questions, referring back to specific parts of the text for detailed answers. (make small anecdotes as you go)


If you could witness any event in history, which would it be and why?

open question!!!


In lacrosse, what is the strategic benefit of utilizing a "10-man ride," and what must a team be cautious about when implementing this technique?

The "10-man ride" in lacrosse is a strategy where all 10 players pressure the other team when they try to move the ball up the field. It can cause the other team to lose the ball, but it leaves the goal unguarded if they get past the pressure. This tactic needs good teamwork and lots of energy to work well.


What are the benefits of journaling for mental health?

Can be digital, paper, peer-peer, pets, family,etc.

It can help process emotions, reduce stress, and improve mood by providing an outlet for expressing thoughts and concern. Also write along how you will tackle the problem/thoughts moving forward.


How can a first-generation college student navigate financial aid and scholarship opportunities when they might not have family experience to draw upon?

First-generation college students should meet with their high school guidance counselor to explore financial aid options and the FAFSA process. They can also attend financial aid workshops, search for scholarships online, and connect with programs like TRIO or local nonprofits for extra support.


What's one uncommon study tip that could help improve your test scores?

practice "active recall" by creating your own practice questions based on your notes and then attempting to answer them without looking back.

Focus on different question formats.

Study before sleep.


If English borrows words from many languages, can you name a word in English that comes from another language and explain its origin and meaning?

he word "ketchup" originally comes from the Chinese word "ke-tsiap," a brined fish sauce. It was adopted into English via Malay and then entered common use to describe the tomato-based condiment we are familiar with today.


In any sport, why is it generally considered a strategic disadvantage to play defensively for an extended period, even if your team excels defensively?

Playing defensively for too long puts a team at a disadvantage by allowing the opponent to control the game and increasing the chance of mistakes due to fatigue. It also limits the defensive team’s chances to score, making it harder to win.


Debate: Is it better to study in short bursts or long sessions for mental health?

Short bursts (such as the Pomodoro technique) can prevent burnout and keep the mind fresh, while long sessions can be productive if breaks are incorporated effectively.


What strategies can first-generation college students use to explore and decide on a career path when they are unsure of their options?

First-generation students can explore careers by using college career services, gaining experience through internships, and networking through campus organizations and informational interviews to make informed decisions.