Purple, pink, blue
When is my birthday
March 16
When did we start dating
What did I want to do in school but my mom wouldn’t let me due to my condition
Cheerleading or basketball
What is something I really want but never get
A massage
Name at least 2 of my favorite foods
Steak, fried scallops, chicken wings, shrimp scampi/Alfredo, Cheese burgers
What states have I been too
Maine and Pennsylvania
When did we start talking?
May 17th, 2023
What was my job before premier?
Pharmacy technician
Where do I really want to bring the kids this summer?
A water park
Favorite dessert?
Peanut butter pie/peanut butter cheese cake OR chocolate peanut butter sundae
What medical condition due I have?
2 things I’m scared of/don’t like
Snakes and spiders
How long did I live in Maine?
2 years
What is my favorite thing to do?
Name all of 3 of my favorite animals
Which arm did I break and how many times?
Left and 3
2 foods I absolutely hate
Carrots and Spanish rice
What makes me mad
-When you don’t listen to what I say
-when you leave your belongings/dishes/garbage sitting around
What was my dogs name?
Where is my favorite place to be? (Besides with you and the kids)
By the ocean
What did I want to go to college for but didn’t
What makes me really happy?
- when you surprise me or make plans without asking me
-when you clean up/do laundry
What is something I would love to accomplish someday?
Visit every state at least once
What is 2+(2 x 4) -6 + 20/5?