The early years
Teen Times
Big House Time
Oh Sarah
Modern day

Sarah squeaked her way through middle school playing this rare woodwind instrument? 

What is the Oboe


Sarah scored exactly 3 points in her one and only season playing what sport? 

What is Basketball


Sarah's first solo during her time in the Harmonette's acapella group in college was to this song, originally sung by Joni Mitchell and made popular again in the early 2000's by Counting Crows (ft. Vanessa Carlton) 

Big Yellow Taxi


Sarah once thought the boy taking her order at this famous Midwest chain was so dreamy that she answered the question 'what flavor custard would you like' with 'yes'. 

What is Culver's 


Sarah's dog Winnie recently had a DNA test done, revealing she is 33.8% of this popular french breed?

What is the Poodle


Which American Girl Doll, that was an orphan from new York in the Victorian era, did Sarah beg my parents to name me after? 

Who is Samantha Parkington?


In highschool, Sarah was convinced to dye her hair this iconic shade of red/ brown and never stopped talking about it.

What is Auburn


Sarah's graduation cap had a reference to this 2009 tear jerking Disney movie about love, loss, and adventure. 

What is 'Up'


Sarah could not make this classic musical noise with her fingers until the ripe age of 16. 

What is a snap


During Sarah's teaching job, you could find her sporting shirts with this mascot of Doral Academy

What are the Dragons


Sarah landed the lead role at her theater camp where she starred as a notable pig from which famous children's novel? 

What is Charlotte's web


Sarah's senior prom date has recently taken up this exhilarating style of performance, popular in the Boystown neighborhood of Chicago? 

What is drag


During my visit to campus in 2014, Sarah snuck me into this establishment, the title of which translates to 'bar room or saloon' in Spanish. 

What is Cantina


Sarah famously was under the impression she was interviewing for Anne Taylor Loft, but quickly realized she was actually interviewing for and got the job at this multi level marketing scheme

What is CutCo Knives


Sarah was once an avid member of this famous workout cult?

What is Orange Theory


Sarah began her dance career with this style of dance, native to a specific heritage we may or may not be from. 

What is Irish step dancing 


Sarah could be easily identified driving her red Hyundai Elantra to school with what iconic license plate on the back?

What is Sass15


Sarah eventually decided to switch her major to teaching because of this strong fear she could not shake about the nursing profession?

What is fear of killing someone?


In highschool, Sarah posted a youtube Video of her dancing with this dissected farm animal, that she was later forced to take down by my dad due to fear of PETA violations. 

What is a fetal pig


Kyle recently said Sarah resembled this dark haired Disney Princess

Who is Belle