All the Numbers
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Past, Present, Future
All the Words
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What is the mode of the following data set.


What is 2?


Name two tips of writing a good focus group question. 

Short, direct questions. No dichotomous questions, open-ended, non-threatening, non-biased, go from general to more specific.


Documents, images or artifacts that provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research investigation.

What are primary sources?


Researcher Jo asked the people she was studying to look at a set of 150 photos she had collected of their community. Each person was to take a set of the photos and sort them into piles that represented categories that made sense to them. Jo then asked for an explanation of what criteria were used to divide the photos. The methods Jo  used is called:

What is multiple sorting procedure?


A document or recording that relates or discusses information originally presented elsewhere. 

What is a secondary sources?


If you want to find the relationship between two variables, you will need to do this type of analysis.

What is a correlation?


A technique in field research in which researchers study a field site by mentally adjusting to "see" it for the first time or as an outsider. 

What is an attitude of strangeness?


If you want to address big questions in your research or want to know how or why a major societal change (women’s right to vote, large increase in homeless population, etc) take place- this would be the best research method to use.

What is historical-comparative research?


Jacob developed a pure model of the "college student." He identified several characteristics that make up this picture of a hypothetical student. Next, he examined many college students and compared them to his model. He discovered that students at private colleges fit the model better than students at public colleges. He also learned that women fit the model better than men. He used this type of analysis?

What is ideal-type?


Studying the relationship between age, gender, and type of religion of college students in Barnesville, Georgia is a type of this kind of analysis.

What is multivariate analysis?


In statistics, ________________ is a list, table, or graph that displays the number of times a certain variable occurs in a sample.

What is a frequency distribution?


When a researcher learns about secret, illicit, or illegal activities during the course of conducting field research, this is called ________________.

What is guilty knowledge?


 Todd conducted a study of war veterans in the the Iraq War. He interviewed veterans about how their life has differed since their return. His data is a(n) ____________.

What is oral history?


While analyzing qualitative data, Joy made a first pass through her notes. She read slowly and put a preliminary label in the notes to identify themes in the data. She was using this type of coding procedure.

What is axial?


This type of research is based on the principle of naturalism- observing ordinary events in natural settings.

What is field research?


 _____________ is a summary statistic that quantitatively summarizes features of a data set.

What is descriptive statistics?


The written notes a qualitative researcher takes during data collection and uses afterwards to develop concepts, themes, or preliminary generalizations are called ____________.

What are analytic memos?


The problem of drawing inferences from cross-cultural data, due to the statistical phenomenon now called auto-correlation.

What is Galton's problem?


In this type of data analysis, a researcher begins with blank concepts and then look for empirical evidence showing that the concepts are useful in organizing information?

What is the illustrative method?


How do you find the median in a data set?

Arrange the numbers from smallest to largest and find the middle number. 


A  document that tells the researcher where variables are located in the data file and what numbers go with which variable attributes is called ___________.

What is a codebook?

Name two weaknesses with field research?

Expensive, time-consuming, data analysis can be challenging, researcher bias, observer bias, not easily replicated


In Historical-Comparative research, the necessity of measuring the same concept in different settings is called ____________.

What is the importance of equivalence?


A researcher carefully followed ten teachers, one at a time, for four days. He recorded what each teacher did minute-by-minute and how long they spent on every activity. Afterwards, he examined how they really spent their time. He was conducting a(n) ____________________.

What is time-allocation analysis?


What is the purpose of the standard deviation and variance?

Standard deviation is a number used to tell how measurements for a group are spread out from the average (mean), or expected value. A low standard deviation means that most of the numbers are very close to the average. A high standard deviation means that the numbers are spread out.