Saved Rose from the Nestene Consciousness
Rhinoform Mercenary Police Force
What is Judoon?
The Doctor's favorite Planet
What is Earth?
Stormageddon's language
What is Baby?
The first "new" Who companion
Who is Rose Tyler?
This Doctor made their sonic screwdriver out of Sheffield steel
Who is the Thirteenth Doctor? (Jodie Whittaker)
"I'm waving at fat!"
What is the Adipose?
Amy & the Doctor visit a futuristic UK on this damaged creature
What is a Star Whale?
In the future, robots speak this language
What is Emoji?
The Impossible Girl
Who is Clara Oswald?
"You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!"
Who is the tenth Doctor? (David Tennant)
This tentacled species is kept alive by a giant brain.
Who are the Ood?
The ship anchored outside a black hole visited by the Doctor and Rose
What is Sanctuary Base?
The Doctor speaks with this furry companion to save Craig and Sophie
What is a cat?
The Lone Centurion
Who is Rory Williams?
Played the electric guitar while riding a tank in the Middle Ages
Who is the Twelfth Doctor? (Peter Capaldi)
This creature doesn't eat organic matter and caused trouble on the medical ship Tsuranga
Who is Pting?
An intelligent virus called The Flood infects the settlement on this planet
What is Mars?
The Doctor insults this species in their own language during a Christmas invasion
Who are the Sycorax?
"I waited for you."
Who is Bill Potts?
Craig's roommate
Who is the Eleventh Doctor? (Matt Smith)
These creatures were stuck in a decades-long traffic jam.
Who are the catkind?
The Doctor and Dee Dee discuss this lost moon on the planet Midnight
What is Poosh?
Queen Victoria admonishes the Doctor for dropping this accent
What is Scottish?
This Companion was a bus driver
Who is Graham O'Brien?