9th Doctor
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
Episode Titles
This actor portrayed the Doctor for one season when the series was revived in 2005.
Who is Christopher Eccleston
The 10th Doctor often repeated this French phrase, while sometimes also asking for a man named Alonso.
What is Allons-y!
This famous New York City landmark was transformed into a Weeping Angel during the last episode featuring Amy Pond as companion
What is the Statue of Liberty
The Dalek Emperor used this species' DNA to create a new race of Daleks and take control of Satellite 5.
What are humans
The pilot of the revived series, in which the Ninth Doctor meets his only companion, Rose Tyler
What is Rose
"Rose, before I go, I just want to say that you were _____. And you know what? So was I."
What is Fantastic
Every life form has an irrational fear of the dark because of this species.
What are the Vashta Nerada
This odd piece of clothing, in addition to bowties, is dubbed "cool" by the Doctor.
What is a Fez
This group of four Daleks was formed to think like the Dalek's enemies and gain a tactical advantage over them
What is the Cult of Skaro
In this episode, the Doctor has six hours to rescue dinosaurs from a spaceship before it is blown up
What is Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
This three letter word was the first that the Ninth Doctor uttered to Rose in the pilot.
What is Run
This noise was implanted in the mind of The Master to serve as a link for Rassilon and the rest of the Time Lords to escape the Time War and resurrect Gallifrey
What is the heartbeat of a Time Lord
The 11th Doctor, disgusted after trying many different foods at Amelia Pond's House, ultimately settled on this unique combination.
What are fish fingers and custard
This Dalek was rescued by Dalek Caan and created an entire new race from his own DNA
Who is Davros
The Doctor ended up trapped in a bus, unable to get out because the planet he was on had deadly amounts of Xtonic radiation in the atmosphere
What is Midnight
In the episode "The Empty Child," Nancy tells the Ninth Doctor that he must go see this person to learn about the gas-masked zombies.
Who is Doctor Constantine
The Daleks hid their Reality Bomb in this inter-universal rift.
What is the Medusa Cascade
The Minotaur trapped the Doctor in a hotel and forced to everyone there to forget what they believe in and say this.
What is Praise Him
The first Dalek that the Ninth Doctor encountered was located in this man's museum.
Who is Henry van Statten
In a 1950s London, a monster that lives in televisions steals the faces of locals.
What is the Idiot's Lantern
This Welsh phrase was the name of the Nuclear Power Plant Project created by the last remaining member of the Slitheen family.
What is Blaidd Drwg
This character's appearance at the end of "The Waters of Mars" leads the Doctor to believe that he is going to die.
Who is Ood Sigma
The Doctor plays this video game while he impatiently waits for the foreign black cubes to do something.
What is Wii Tennis
Exterminate translates to this in German
What is Exterminieren
A mysterious force prevents the TARDIS from landing, separating the Doctor from Amy forcing him to take refuge in the house of Craig Owens.
What is The Lodger