The Holy Bible
The holy Bible part 2
Trinidad/ Trinity
Trinity part 2
Trinity part 3

What do we believe about the Bible?

The Bible IS the word of God and our sufficient rule of faith and conduct. 


What is the first evidence that the Bible is the word of God?

More than 300 prophecies talk about the birth, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus and all came into completion


Who can know the mysteries of God?

No one can know the mysteries of God unless God reveals them.


Find the trinity in Isaiah 48:16

The lord God

Jesus is speaking 

His spirit 


Explain the illustration of the trinity in the human body AND in the human being. Where is the trinity?

Human body: Head (cabeza), Trunk (tronco), extremities (extremidades).

Human being: Spirit (espíritu), Soul (alma), body (cuerpo)


What are the first five books of the Bible? Who wrote them? And what are they collectively called?

Génesis, exodus, Leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy. 

Moses wrote them

Pentateuch (pentateuco)


What is the second evidence that the Bible is the word of God?

Unity - Different people with different backgrounds and from different places were inspired by God to write His word.


What two things does trinity refer to?

Quantity and Unity


Find the trinity in Genesis 11:7

“Come, let us go down”

Us - plural

Explain the example of the boy with the pail at the beach, and how it relates to the holy trinity.

There was a boy in the beach who was trying to pour the oceans water in a hole with a pail. A men asked him what was he doing and the boy answered. The men then said “look at the ocean” the infinite ocean water could not fit in that small hole. And just like that, God’s infinite nature cannot be captured by our finite minds.


Explain how the word of God is alive or active.

It is alive because over time, it’s still powerful and useful for teaching and it continues to do the work for which it was sent because it produces life.

2 Timothy 3:16-17


Name an author of the Bible and during which circumstance they wrote?

Paul wrote from jail

Daniel wrote in a foreign land

David wrote from the palace, from the pasture and from war


In what are the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit one?

In nature, thought, feeling, and purpose


What is the main difference between God and Angels??

God create’s 

Angels are created


What is Anthropomorphism?

When people attribute God with a part of a body


List at least three authors of the Bible and what did they do for a living?

Moses - political leader

Joshua - Military leader

Joseph - Shepherd/King

Peter - Fisherman

Matthew - tax collector


In what languages was the Bible written in?

Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek


In what are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 3?



What is the definition of theophany?

Manifestation of God.

“theo” means God and “phany” means form.


What is an example of Anthropomorphism??

The ear of God is inclined to us (Psalms 116:2)

It hurt Gods heart to make men (Genesis 6:6)


What are the three steps in which we receive the word of God? Explain each step.

Revelation: when the mysteries of God are revealed to holy people.

Inspiration: the act through which the Holy Spirit directed the writers of the bible so they can put in writing without errors or exaggeration everything God wanted to reveal.

Illumination: the interpretation of the truth revealed through the Holy Spirit.


Across which continents and by how many authors was the Bible written in?

Asia, Europe, and Africa

Approximately 40 authors

Mention the principal work (obra cumbre) of the Father, Son, and Holy spirit.

Father - Creation of the world

Son - Salvation of humanity

Holy Spirit - Sanctification of the church


Give at least 1 example from the Bible about theophany.

Examples: burning bush, dove at Jesus’ baptism, the fourth in the fire


What are the 3 qualities of a person?

Feeling (sentimiento) 

Intellect (intelecto) 

Free will (voluntad)