Alma 7: 11-13
Name something that Jesus Suffered
Pains, afflictions, temptations,
Fill in the blank: Another Testament of __________.
Jesus Christ
Who buried the gold plates?
Moroni, bonus point, what else was buried with the plates?
Alma 41:10
Wickedness is sometimes happiness
False, bonus point, make the verse true.
Who translated the Book of Mormon?
Joseph Smith
There must be an ________ made, an infinite and eternal sacrifice.
Who abridged the Nephite record?
Mormon, bonus point, what other record did he abridge?
Name a Lamanite prophet.
Moroni 7:45-48
Charity is the pure love of Christ?
How many chapters are in 4 Nephi
Helaman 5:12
According to Helaman, where should we build our foundation?
Upon the rock of our redeemer
According to the Introduction of the book, what is the “crowning event of the Book of Mormon”?
Christ appearing to the Nephites
Ether was a prophet to what people
Ether 12:27
According to Mormon, God will make strong things stronger if we come unto him?
False, bonus point, make the verse true.
Samuel prophesied that Christ would be born within how many years?
5 years
3 Nephi 11:10-11
Who’s will did Jesus suffer from the beginning?
The Father
Christ’s sermon at the temple in 3 Nephi is most similar to a sermon he gave on what geological formation in the Bible?
What king did Ammon serve?
Alma 39:9
According to his father, Corianton’s lusts was of the eyes.
The Brother of Jared saw Jesus touch what with his finger?
Stones, for bonus point how many were there?
3 Nephi 27:20
According to Jesus, we are sanctified when we receive what?
The Holy Ghost
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a sign that the time will soon come for what group of people to be gathered?
Name one of the 3 or 8 witnesses to the Book of Mormon
correct answers: Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris, Christian Whitmer, Hiram Page, Jacob Whitmer, Joseph Smith Sen., Hyrum Smith, Samuel H. Smith, Peter Whitmer Jun., John Whitmer
Ether 12:6) Our faith comes without any trials.
False, bonus point, make this verse true.
According to Moroni, by what power may we know the truth of all things?
Holy Ghost