DM Alphabet Soup
Good Luck
Prophets & Revelation
Do You Remember?
Days of our Lives

J S “s t p, w b a g d a d.”

Joseph Smith – History 1:15-20
Joseph Smith “saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description.”    


A period of time when priesthood keys and authority were lost from the earth.

“The Great Apostasy”


This person has been called by God to speak for Him.

The prophet (of His Church)


T or F

In the first vision, God called Joseph Smith Sr to be a prophet.


God called Joseph Smith Jr. to be a prophet.


“Why do you believe we have to be married? Other churches are fine with my boyfriend and I living together. Love is love, does God not love me because of what I'm doing?”

Doctrine and Covenants 49:15–17:
“Marriage is ordained of God.”


T w o s i g i t s o G.

D&C 18:10-11
The worth of souls is great
in the sight of God.


The Lord taught Joseph Smith this truth when the 116 page manuscript was lost.

“You should not have feared man more than God.”


Which prophet is the head of our dispensation?

Joseph Smith


The name of the angel that restored the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery

John the Baptist


“I believe that all churches are good and that everyone just needs a church. I don't understand the purpose for there just being one church, I mean just believe in Jesus, that'll be enough right?”

Doctrine and Covenants 1:30:
“The only true and living church.”


L u m i e t, d n f n.

D&C 6:36
Look unto me in every thought;
doubt not, fear not.


Joseph learned these 2 truths about the Godhead during the first vision.

• God the father and Jesus Christ are two separate beings

• They have bodies of flesh & bones


T or F
Only the prophet can receive revelation.

Anyone who has the Holy Ghost can receive revelation —
but only for themselves/family. 

The prophet is the only one that receives revelation for God's church.


Peter, James and John restored this in our dispensation.

The Melchizedek Priesthood


“God has left me in my life. My best friend thinks I stole her boyfriend, and I didn't make the cheer team. My parents are getting divorced now. It seems God doesn't care about me anymore.”

Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–11:
“The worth of souls is great in the sight of God.”


I w t y i y m a i y h, b t H G.

D&C 8:2-3
I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost.


• The revelations in D&C sections 15 & 16 are almost exactly word for word except for this one thing

• These are the 2 words that are different

• The name of the person who the Lord is speaking to

• John & Peter (Whitmer)


The Lord speaks to us in our minds and hearts to help us find answers through this principle/power

The power of revelation


Joseph learned that the work of God cannot be frustrated, only the work of men because of this event in Church history

The loss of the 116 pages of the translated manuscript.


“I constantly feel guilty for everything I do and I don’t think it’s fair that the world judges me for things that have happened to me. No one understands how hard life is for me.”

Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19:
“I, [Jesus Christ], have suffered these things for all.”


W b m o v o b t w o m s i i t s.

D&C 1:37-38
Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.


The names of the “interpreters”

Urim & Thummim


• The Doctrine & Covenants are a collection of these.

• There are 2 of these at the end of the 138 sections of the Doctrine & Covenants

• Revelations 

• 2 Official Declarations


List 4 out of the 5 words that show us that it is Jesus Christ who is speaking throughout the Doctrine & Covenants

I  –  me  –  mine  –  my  –  myself


“I was already baptized in my church. My priest baptized me and I loved it — it was at the beach. So why do you want me to be baptized again?”

Doctrine and Covenants 13:1:
The Aaronic Priesthood “holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism.”