True/false: This is the earliest section chronologically in the Doctrine and covenants.
What is false
Location and year of Joseph Smith's birth
Where is Sharon VT, 1805
Number of pages that were lost when Martin Harris took them to show his wife
What is 116
This section was a revelation in response to this person's spiritual questions.
Who is Joseph Smith Sr.
And he shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and the ___ shall turn to __.
What is
"hearts of the children"
"their fathers"
Reference for: "Whether by mine own voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same."
What is Doctrine and Covenants 1:37-38
The number of children in the Smith Family, and name 3
What is nine:
Alvin, Hyrum, Samuel, Don Carlos, Joseph, Sophronia, Catherine and Lucy
Event in Emma and Joseph's life that happened at the same time Martin Harris took the pages
What is the birth and loss of their first son Alvin
Name two qualifications to be part of the Lord's work.
What is desire, faith, hope, charity, and eye single to the glory of God.
Reference for: "I saw, two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description."
What is JSH 1:15-20
To whom does the Lord want to hearken unto His word?
Who is: people from afar, people from the isles of the sea; all ears, all hearts, all people.
Scripture that Jospeh read prompting him to ask of God: reference
James 1:5
What Joseph was doing and his response to Martin telling him he had lost the plates
What is eating breakfast at the Smith family home, he responded with great sadness and sobbing, then prayed for forgiveness, response is section 3
See that ye serve Him with all of your ___, ___,____,and _____.
What is Heart, Might, Mind and Strength.
Year of the first vision
What is 1820
Reference for: "The only true and living church."
What is Doctrine and Covenants 1:30
Number of times Joseph returned to the Hill Cummorrah to retrieve the plate and one reason why he was not able to retrieve them.
4 times: it was not yet time, he turned his back on the plates, he had been spending time with treasure seekers.
What happened to the plates after the 116 pages were lost
What is they were taken away by the angel Moroni.
Name three Christlike attributes mentioned in Doctrine and Covenants 4 that God wants us to develop.
What are faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.
Original name of the Doctrine and Covenants
What is the Book of Commandments
What this section is often referred to as.
What is The Lord's Preface
Location and reason Emma and Joseph moved soon after they were married
What is Harmony Pennsylvania, Emma was pregnant and to get away from the persecution in Palmyra.
What the Lord reminded Joseph after defining where he went wrong.
What is who he was: thou art Joseph, thou wast chosen, thou art still chosen.
For behold, the field is ____ already to _____.
Joseph Smith first spoke with this person after the First Vision and said what.
Who is Lucy Smith his mother, and he said he had learned for himself that Presbyterianism was not true.