Joseph Smith was visited by God the Father and Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove located in:
1) Adam-ondi-Ahman, MO
2) Palmyra, NY
3) Nauvoo, IL
2) Palmyra, NY
The Doctrine and Covenants was first published in:
1) 1830
2) 1835
3) 1837
1) 1830
Section 1 constitutes the following:
1) The Lord's preface to the doctrines. (Introduction)
2) A voice of warning to all people.
3) Revelation stating the saints should move south to warmer Florida.
4) All of the above
5) Both 1 and 2
1) Both 1 and 2
D&C 1:4
Section 3 relates to the 116 pages of manuscript translated from the first part of the Book of Mormon.
Who lost those pages?
1) Joseph Smith
2) Hyrum Smith
3) Martin Harris
3) Martin Harris
In science, what does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
The Church was organized in:
1) April 6, 1830
2) April 6, 1831
3) April 6, 1829
April 6, 1830
The Doctrine and Covenants contains how many sections:
1) 130
2) 136
3) 138
3) 138
Doctrine and Covenants 1: 19-28 says the Lord uses the ____ and the ____ to accomplish his work.
1) Weak and Simple
Joseph was taught by the Lord that his eye must be "____ to the glory of God."
1) Single
2) Only
3) First
1) Single
How many squares are in a standard Rubik's cube?
The early saints were persecuted and moved in the following order:
1) Nauvoo IL to Kirkland OH to Independence MO
2) Kirkland OH to Independence MO to Nauvoo IL
3) Independence MO to Nauvoo IL to Kirkland OH
2) Kirkland OH to Independence MO to Nauvoo IL
What is contained in the Doctrine and Covenants:
1) Collection of divine revelations
2) Inspired declarations
3) Inspired teachings
4) All of the above
4) All of the above
In Section 1:30, it says....
"This is the only ___and ___ church upon the face of the earth."
3) True and Living
Section 4 is often pointed to:
1) The Primary
2) Missionary work
3) The Elders Quorum
2) Missionary work
What is a phanerogam?
A plant that produces Seeds
Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith were both killed in:
1) Independence Jail
2) Palmyra Jail
3) Carthage Jail
3) Carthage Jail
What section talks about the Word of Wisdom?
1) 27
2) 65
3) 89
4) 104
3) 89
Section 2 is an extract from Joseph Smith's history relating the words of the Angel Moroni to Joseph Smith the Prophet.
How many versus are in this chapter?
1) 3
2) 30
3) 33
1) 3
Section 5 contains revelations given to Joseph Smith that three witnesses will testify of the Book of Mormon.
What did he tell Marin Harris he had to do first?
1) Learn how to use the Urim and Thummin.
2) Repent
3) Find the lost 116 pages.
2) Repent
What metal is also known as quick silver?
Migrating to Utah led by Brigham Young, the first group of pioneers arrived in:
1) July 4th, 1847
2) July 24th, 1847
3) July 31st, 1847
2) July 24th, 1847
True or False:
All of the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants were received through Joseph Smith, the first prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Most were received through Joseph Smith, but others were issued through some of his successors in the Presidency.
In Section 2:2 refers to "promises" made to the fathers......
What promises is he referring to:
1) Families can be sealed forever.
2) Restoration of temple work.
3) Priesthood keys.
4) All of the above.
4) All of the above.
In Section 5, the Lord tells Joseph Smith to:
1) Repent
2) Humble himself
3) Yield to the persuasions of men no more
4) All of the above
4) All of the above
Candy canes are said to originate from which European country/