Women in the Restoration
Church History Sites
Doctrinal Mastery Review
Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon
The First Vision
Restoration of the Priesthood and Church
Name that Section!

Wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, served as scribe for a time for the translation of the Book of Mormon, was the first President of the Relief Society, and published the first hymn book for the church.

Who is Emma Smith?


Location (seen below) where Joseph Smith received yearly instruction from Moroni and would eventually receive the golden plates.

What is The Hill Cumorah?


D & C 18:10- "Remember, the __________ of souls is great in the sight of God"

What is worth?


Name of the tool/seer stones Joseph used to translate the Book of Mormon.

What is the Urim and Thummin?


Location of the first vision.

What is the Sacred Grove in Palmyra, New York?


Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith received the Aaronic Priesthood from this prophet.

Who is John the Baptist?


This section is a revelation given to Joseph Smith's father, Joseph Smith Sr.  It contains a charge to do missionary work, stating that "a marvelous work is about to come forth" and that "the field is white already to harvest".

What is Section 4?


Mother of Joseph Smith, unwavering supporter of her son and witness to many of the important events of the restoration and organization of the church.

Who is Lucy Mack Smith?


Important Church history site where three important events occurred:

1- Translation of a large portion of the Book of Mormon

2- Where the three witnesses saw the golden plates

3- Where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was officially organized.

What is the Peter Whitmer Farm?


D & C 1:38- "Whether by mine own voice or the voice of my ___________, it is the same"

Who are servants?


These men are known as the "Three Witnesses" to the Book of Mormon.

Who are Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer?


Verse of scripture that Joseph Smith read that instructed him to ask of God to find out which church was true.

What is James 1:5?

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him"


The Aaronic priesthood was restored on the banks of this river, where Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were baptized. 

What is the Susquehannah River?


Section 8 and Section 9 are powerful revelations that describe how we can receive personal revelation.  They were given to this man, who desired to translate the Book of Mormon.

Who is Oliver Cowdery?


Lucy Harris, wife of Martin Harris, asked to see the plates because she questioned Martin Harris's support of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  It was in response to her request that Joseph Smith reluctantly gave Martin Harris the first 116 pages of the translation, which were then lost and never recovered.  These pages are known collectively as this book.

What is the Book of Lehi?


Location of Joseph Smith's birthplace where he and his family lived before moving to New York.

What is Sharon, Vermont?


D & C 8:2-3 "Behold, I will tell you in your _______ and in your __________, by the Holy Ghost."

What are mind and heart?


Name at least two of the scribes during the translation of the book of mormon.

Who are: Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, and Emma Smith?


The question Joseph Smith had when he went to the sacred grove to pray.

"What is "what church should he join"?


Shortly after the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood, he Melchizidek priesthood was conferred upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery by these three men.

Who are Peter, James, and John.


Section 25 was a revelation given to Emma Smith.  In this revelation, Emma was called to compile a selection of these to be used in the church.

What are hymns?


Only know woman to have physically seen the plates. Hosted Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on her and her husband's farm while they finished translating the Book of Mormon. 

Who is Mary Whitmer?


Location of the Smith Family Home, where Joseph Smith and his family were living when he received the First Vision.

What is Palmyra, New York?


D & C 1:30 states that the church is "the only ______ and ________ church on the face of the whole earth".

What is true and living?


Martin Harris did this in order to finance the printing and publishing of the first copies of the Book of Mormon.

What is mortgage his farm?

Heavenly Father said this to Joseph when he and Jesus appeared to him "This is my beloved son, _____ ______."

What is "Hear Him"?


In Section 13 of the Doctrine and Covenants, John the Baptist promises that this "shall never be taken again from the earth, until the sons of Lehi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in rigtheousness"

What is the Aaronic Priesthood?


This section includes the duties of elders, priests, teachers, and deacons as well as the sacrament and baptism prayers.

What is section 20?


The name of at least one of Joseph Smith's Sisters, who were faithful supporters of the prophet and among the earliest members of the church.

Who is Sophronia, Lucy, or Katharine Smith?


Name of the building where the Book of Mormon was published in 1829. It took eight men and boys working 12 hours a day, six days a week, for almost eight months to print the 5,000 copies.

What is the E.B. Grandin Building in Palmyra, New York?


In D & C 21:5 the Lord is referring to this man when he reveals, "For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith." 

Who is the prophet Joseph Smith?


Number of copies in the first printing of the Book of Mormon, which was more than twice the average size for a book at that time.

What is 5,000?


The first person Joseph spoke to following the first vision.

Who is his mother?


On this date, the church was organized in the home of Peter Whitmer.  

What is April 6, 1830?


Revelation that mentions that the apostle John the Beloved was given power over death and would tarry on the earth until the second coming of the Savior. 

What is section 7?