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Joseph Smith was this old when he had the First Vision

What is 14 years old?


He was Joseph Smith's first scribe and was responsible for losing the 116 pages.

Who is Martin Harris?


This scripture details Joseph Smith's account of the First Vision.

What is JSH 1:15-20


The angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith in his room one night.  He repeated the same message this many times that night.

What is 3?


He was another scribe of Joseph Smith.  He was a school teacher living with Joseph's parents when he learned of the prophet.

Who is Oliver Cowdery?


The _____ of souls is great in the sight of God.

What is worth?


This section of the Doctrine & Covenants is known as the Lord's preface.

What is 1?


He was one of the 3 witnesses.  His family took in Joseph and Emma.  Several of his family members were part of the 8 witnesses.

Who is David Whitmer?


This scripture reference describes the only true and living church.

What is D&C 1:30?


In addition to the 3 witnesses, this number of people were able to see the plates and hold them.  Their testimony is also included in the Book of Mormon.

What is 8?


He appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to restore the Aaronic Priesthood.

Who is John the Baptist?


The Aaronic Priesthood was restored in 1829.  It was recorded in this section of the Doctrine & Covenants.

What is 13?


This is the year the Aaronic Priesthood was restored.

What is 1829?


The angel Moroni showed her the plates and comforted her because of the burdens she had to bear in taking care of eight children and three houseguests while the Book of Mormon was being translated at her home.

Who is Mary Whitmer?


Doctrine & Covenants 8:2-3 teaches us that the Holy Ghost will speak to these 2 parts of us.

What is mind and heart?