Church History
Book of Mormon
D&C 12-17
D&C 18

What was the name of the second prophet of the church?

Brigham Young


What is the name of Nephi's Father?



In Section 13, John the Baptist called Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery his "____________."

1) Sons 

2) Fellow Servants

3) Brothers in Faith

2) Fellow Servants


The Lord gave Oliver Cowdery instructions to help ___________ of the Church of Christ.

1) Promote and expand

2) Lay the foundation

3) Finance

2) Lay the foundation


What is the symbol for the element copper?

1) CO

2) CU

3) CP

2) CU


What city and state did Joseph Smith live in when he received the First Vision?

A) Boston, Massachusetts

B) Nauvoo, Illinois

C) Palmyra, New York

D) Salt Lake City, Utah

C) Palmyra, New York


How many brothers does Nephi have? 

1) 3

2) 4

3) 5

What are their names?

3) 5

Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Jacob, Joseph

Section 15-16 teach us that brining souls unto Christ is of ___________.

1) Well Being

2) Tremendous Growth

3) Great Worth

3) Great Worth


In D&C 18. it clearly states, "Remember the _____________ is great in the sight of God."

1) Worth of souls

2) Perfect obedience

3) Conversion of souls

1) Worth of souls


What is Anthropology the study of?

1) Spiders

2) Monkeys

3) Humans

3) Humans


What was the name of the Angel that visited Joseph Smith and told him where the gold plates were buried?



In what book does Christ come to visit the Nephites in the Americas.

1) 3rd Nephi

2) Alma

3) Mosiah

3) Mosiah


Section 17 teach us that the Lord uses witness to establish his word.  

What does it mean to bear witness?

To testify of something you know to be true, often based on personal experiences, knowledge, or divine revelation.  


The Lord tells Oliver Cowdery and others to "rely upon the things which are written."  What does that mean?  

It refers specifically to the revelations and teachings found in the scriptures, including the Book of Mormon.  

This instruction implies that the written word is a firm foundation for faith and action, providing divine truth that does not change with the opinions of men. 


If you were born on Christmas Day, what would your star sign be?

1) Capricorn

2) Sagittarius

3) Scorpio

1) Capricorn


In what year was the church officially formed?

A) 1937

B) 1830

C) 1847

D) 1776

B) 1830


Who was the Lamanite Prophet that preached to the Nephites on top of the city wall?

1) King Benjamin 

2) Samuel the Lamanite

3) David

2) Samuel the Lamanite


Service in God's work has always been about _____ we serve and not who ______.

1) where, pays us.

2) how, notices.

3) how long, cares the most. 

2) how, notices.


In D&C 18:11-16, Repent and Repentance appear a total of 6 times.  Each person on your team must fill in the blank with the word that first comes to their mind:

"Repentance is ____________" 

If everyone shares a word, the team wins the points.  


A dog sweats through which part of its body?

1) Paws

2) Nose

3) Stomach

1) Paws


How many witnesses are listed in the beginning of the Book of Mormon?

A) 5

B) 11

C) 7

B) 11


What is the name of the important Nephi commander mentioned in the book of Alma?

A) Alma

B) Jacob

C) Moroni

C) Captain Moroni


In a wooded area near _______ on May 15, 1829, __________appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.  He placed his hands on their head and conferred the ____________ upon them. 

1) Independence MO, Jesus Christ, Father's Blessing

2) Palmyra NY, Peter and James, Melchizedek Priesthood

3) Harmony PA, John the Baptist, Aaronic Priesthood

3) Harmony PA, John the Baptist, Aaronic Priesthood

The Lord tells us in Section 18:13-16 that sharing the gospel will "bring us great _______."

1) Financial Prosperity

2) Good health and a long life

3) Joy


3) Joy


Which Italian automobile manufacturer gained majority control of U.S. automobile manufacturer Chrysler in 2011?

1) Ferrari

2) Alpha Romeo

3) Fiat

3) Fiat