What did the sign in the beginning say?
Thumb Follow Me
Who was the angel that visited Joseph Smith?
How long has it been since Joseph Smith's vision?
3 years
Joseph Smith was passed on the responsibility of what?
What is today's Come Follow Me topic?
“The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”
What happened on the 21st of September, 1823?
He prayed and Moroni was sent from God to tell him news about an ancient book written on gold plates.
True or False: Joseph Smith was not tired after Moroni's visit.
False. He was exhausted mentally, spiritually, and physically.
What was Joseph Smith's prayer on September 1st, 1823 about?
Forgiveness and guidance.
True or False: Will someone try to tempt Joseph Smith of using the Golden Plates for other purposes?
True. Moroni warns Joseph about it.
What book of scriptures are we reading for this year?
Doctrine and Covenants
Joseph Smith was chosen to bring forth a book to dig it up, translate it, and send it out to the world. What book is this?
The Book of Mormon
True or False: Did Moroni visit Joseph Smith again the next morning out in the field?
True. Moroni visited him one last time.
True or False: Joseph Smith was not scared of Moroni when he came?
False. He was scared at first, but the feeling didn't last.
True or False: The golden plates were worth a lot of money?
What book of scriptures did we read last year?
The Book of Mormon
What would be used to help translate the Book of Mormon?
Urim & Thummim
How can you follow Joseph Smith's example?
Share your testimony, help a friend, or simply pray with faith.
3 times
The prophecy about Elijah appears in how many scriptures?
All 4 scriptures.
Who is our current prophet today?
Russell M. Nelson
What was Moroni's warning to Joseph?
"Joseph, this isn't about fame or fortune, it is about glorifying God."
The scripture verse at the end of the video was shared from where?
Joseph Smith History 1:33
True or False: The golden plates were lightweight and not heavy.
False. They were super heavy.
What is a part of Elijah's prophecy that he talks about?
Families can be sealed eternally together.
What is the youth theme for 2025?