What city did Martin Harris travel to obtain a professional opinion on the authenticity of the characters and accuracy of the translation of the Book of Mormon?
New York City
What happened to the 116 pages while Martin had them?
They were stolen.
What was the gender of Emma & Joseph's first child?
Did Joseph lose his salvation because of the loss of the 116 pages?
The Lord was generous to forgive Joseph, restore his gift to translate and return the plates and translators. 5:35 Joseph was assured he could be lifted up at the last day still.
What lesson did Joseph learn about trust with losing the 116 pages? What can we learn from this same lesson?
Trust in God not in man. We too can trust in God even when there's pressure or influence otherwise.
What was Martin's occupation and what evidence do we have that he was good at it?
Farmer, he was wealthy and considered competent.
Where were Joseph and Emma living when they were working on the translation of the 116 pages?
Harmony PA, in a property they purchased from Emma's dad.
How many days after Martin left with the manuscript did Emma give birth?
The next day (One day)
Who was the revelation in section 4 directed to? Do you know what resulted from this section?
Joseph's father. He and his family introduced Joseph's experiences to Oliver Cowdrey who was living with the family.
Identify additional sources that will help enhance your study of D&C and Church History? Where can you access these resources?
The Saints, Historical Resources, Revelations in context, Joseph Smith Papers, Conference talks etc. Gospel Library app or online.
Did Martin deny his witness of the Boof of Mormon or remain faithful to his testimony?
Martin never denied his witness of the Book of Mormon coming from God.
Who did Martin Harris receive confirmation from that the translation and characters from Joseph's translation were true and accurate?
Professor Charles Anthon
What did Moroni take away from Joseph after Joseph gave the 116 pages to Martin Harris?
What was President Nelson referring to when he said "the greatest challenge, the greatest cause, and the greatest work on earth"?
The gathering of Israel.
Seeing is believing is a phrase oft quoted by man. What does God teach us?
Faith is more powerful than sight. Faith helps change our core, our hearts. "Blessed are they that haven't see but believe"
How much money did Martin give Joseph Smith freely to pay his debts and assist him in beginning the work of translation?
Identify all people who served as scribe for Joseph with the 116 pages.
Emma and Martin Harris
Describe Emma's condition after giving birth to their first child?
She was deathly ill. Joseph was concerned she would die as well.
What gift was given to Joseph that we learn about in these sections? Who else receives spiritual gifts?
5:4 Joseph was given the gift to translate. God is a giver of many gifts and we all are given spiritual gifts. Moroni 10:8-18
Identify some lessons or principals Joseph learned about the Lord through the loss of the 116 pages.
God is firm in direction and correction, God is loving and forgiving, God's work won't be frustrated, God is more powerful than man - ALWAYS.
How long did it take Martin to join the Smith's for breakfast when he was invited over to give an accounting of the 116 pages?
4 hours
Identify 3 of the people Martin was allowed to show the plates to.
His mother, father, wife, brother and sister.
What was the primary mode of transportation Joseph used to travel home to Palmyra to check on the 116 pages?
Stage coach
Identify 3 attributes or actions from D&C 4 and share how those attributes or actions help a person in Gathering Israel.
Faith, Hope, Charity and Love. Eye single to God's Glory, serve God with might, mind and strength. Virtue, knowledge...vs 2,5-7
How are you a better person from studying the scriptures and church history this week?
Personal response.