Now behold, a ____work is about to come forth among the children of men (D&C 4:1)
What is marvelous?
How old Joseph was when he had the first vision.
What is 14?
This person lost 116 pages of the newly translated Book of Mormon
Who is Martin Harris?
Joseph Smith used these seer stones to translate the gold plates.
What are Urim and Thummim?
Even if Joseph had "many revelations, and ... power to do many mighty works," if he felt that what he wanted was more important than God's will, he "________" (D&C 3:4)
What is must fall?
The angel who appeared to Joseph, then tutored him for 4 years until he gave Joseph the golden plates.
Who is Moroni?
There are this many witnesses to the truths of the D&C.
What is 12? 3 witnesses saw the gold plates, 8 witnesses saw AND held the gold plates plus Joseph Smith Jr.
D&C Section 4 was written to this person
Who is Joseph Smith Sr. ?
Location where the gold plates were buried, where Joseph visited each year for 4 years.
What is the Hill Cumorah?
The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be ________, neither can they come to naught. (D&C 3:1)
What is frustrated?
When Joseph finally received the gold plates this person was with him.
Who is Emma?
What the Lord said would happen if the gold plates were displayed for the world to see (D&C 5:7)
What is they would not believe?
This person worked as a scribe for Joseph and was a witness of the Book of Mormon(Besides Martin Harris)
Who is Oliver Cowdery?
The role of witnesses in the work of the Lord (see D&C 5:11 and 15)
What is "to go forth with my words" or to share their testimony with the world
And that you be firm in keeping the commandments wherewith I have commanded you; and if you do this, behold I grant unto you ______ ______ even if you should be slain. (D&C 5:22)
What is eternal life?
The name of Joseph & Emma's first baby.
Who is Alvin?
With the help of Martin Harris, Joseph and Emma relocated from ______ to _______ to work on the translation of the gold plates.
What is Palmyra, New York to Harmony, Pennsylvania?
Which prophet returned to earth, September 21st, 1823 to the Kirkland Temple.
Who is Elijah?
Russell M. Nelson called the gathering of Israel "the _______ challenge, the _______cause, and the ______work on Earth."
what is greatest?
Therefore, if ye have desires to _____God ye are _____to the work. (D&C 4:3)
What are serve and called?
Joseph had this many siblings.
What is 10? 7 brothers (2 died as infants) and 3 sisters.
The original name of the Doctrine & Covenants
What is the Book of Commandments?
in March 1829, who filed a claim in court that Joseph was lying to people by pretending to translate gold plates?
Who is Martin Harris' wife, Lucy?
Sister Camp has this many kids.
What is 5?