Scripture Mastery
Joseph Smith, Jr
Church History
D & C Details
The scripture which inspired Joseph to pray to ask which church is true
What is James 1:5?
Joseph was born December 23rd 1805 in this state.
What is Vermont? (Sharon, Vermont)
This is the name of the place where Joseph had his first vision
What is the sacred grove?
Finish the sentence, Book of Commandments is.....
What is original name of the Doctrine & Covenants?
Doctrine & Covenants is the only book on earth with a preface written by this person. (Chapter 1)
Who is the Lord Jesus Christ? Joseph wrote down the words from chapter1 straight from the Savior's voice.
Part of Joseph's testimony, this one is 5 long verses.
What is Joseph Smith History verses 15- 20?
How old Joseph was when he had the first vision.
What is 14?
There are this many witnesses to the truths of the D&C.
What is 12?
These sacred revelations are answers received by real people, with real life situations, in times of need through this means.
What is prayer?

What is it called when you automatically win in chess?

What is Checkmate.

Joseph's object in going into the grove to pray was this...
What is to find out which church was true?
The angel who appeared to Joseph, then tutored him for 4 years until he gave Joseph the golden plates.
Who is Moroni?


While printing the first copy of the Book of Commandments, the printing press was destroyed by anti-mormons, but many of the signatures were saved by whom during this raid?

What is 2 young girls?

In the D & C revelations, one hears the tender, but firm voice of whom speaking anew in this dispensation, the fullness of times.
Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?
According to President Gordon B Hinckley, The internet gets more hits for this subject than any other.
What is Family History or genealogy? (It has to do with sealings and families)
"..whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same. "
What is D&C 1:37-38?

3x Points

This relative of Joseph testified that a descendent of his would one day have a huge influence on all mankind.

What is Joseph's grandfather, Asael Smith?

How many sections were in the 1st Book of Commandments?
What is 64?
This person chose the revelations to be placed in the D& C.
Who is the prophet Joseph Smith?
Which prophet returned to earth, September 21st, 1823 to the Kirkland Temple -- the same day the Jewish had the 3rd cup from the Seder meal, and opened the door for him to return to them.
Who is Elijah?
2 part question: Joseph said. "I saw ___ personages, whose brightness and glory defy all desciption...... How many and where were they standing?
What is 2 personages, "standing above me in the air."
Joseph had this many siblings.
What is 8? 5 brothers, 3 sisters
What object was Joseph told to obtain when he was 14 and still had not gotten one 4 years later when he received the golden plates.
What is a box?
Q – Section 2, Fulfillment of Moroni’s prophesy is found in what other chapter?
What is D & C 110, 13 years later?

Who is the best football team?

What are the Philadelphia Eagles?