Who had the first vision?
Joseph Smith
Who appeared to Joseph and told him about the Book of Mormon?
Angel Moroni
What was Joseph's fathers name?
Joseph Smith Senior
The scriptures are like a ______.
Who appeared in the first vision?
God and Jesus Christ
What type of plates was the Book of Mormon written on?
What was Joseph's wife's name?
Emma Smith
How many bookshelves are in this library?
"Keep my ______" D&C 18:43
What question was asked in the first vision?
Which church is true.
How many years did it take for Jospeh to get the plates?
What was Joseph's Mom's name?
Lucy Mack Smith
What is the name of the bookshelf we are studying this year?
Doctrine and Covenants
"And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people and bring, save 1 soul unto me, how great shall be your ____" D&C 18:15
Who was the first scribe for the Book of Mormon?
Joseph's wife, Emma
Who was Joseph's friend who was a teacher and also a scribe for the Book of Mormon?
Oliver Cowdery
The D&C tells the story of "the __________"
the restoration
"Take upon you the name of _____" D&C 18:21
Where was the scripture that inspired Joseph to pray?
Bible - New Testament - James 1:5
Who were the 3 witnesses who eventually saw the Book of Mormon?
Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmore
Joseph's friends wife sued Joseph & said he was a fraud. Who was the friend?
Martin Harris
What are the names of the 4 other bookshelves?
Book of Mormon, Old Testament, New Testament, Pearl of Great Price
"And if you have not ____, _____, & _____ you can do nothing." D&C 18:19
faith, hope, & charity