Finish The Song
The Prophets
People in the Ward
Book of Mormon Families
Articles of Faith

I'm going there some day, to feel the holy spirit...

A: To go inside someday. 

B: To listen and to pray.

C: For the temple is a holy place. 

B: To listen and to pray.


The first name of our current prophet

Russel M. Nelson

Name at least 2 members of the bishopric

Kory Anderson, Daniel Pace, Jonathan Javid, Bishop Wirig


Who was Nephi's dad?

A: Mormoni

B: Mormon

C: Lehi

C: Lehi


We believe that man will be punished for their own sins

And not for adam's transgression


Love one another as Jesus loves you...

A: For these are the things Jesus taught.

B: Try to be valiant, and strong and true. 

C: Try to show kindness in all that you do. 

Try to show kindness in all that you do. 


The prophet who restored the Church of Jesus Christ in this dispensation? (Hint he translated the Book of Mormon)

Joseph Smith


Who is your primary president

Sister MaryAnn Hyte


Which one of these is not Nephi's brother?

A: Laman

B: Zoram

C: Jacob

B: Zoram


We believe all that God has reveled all that he does now reveal and we believe that...

He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God. 


Nephi was courageous this was his reply...

A: I will go, I will do the things the Lord commands. 

B: The Lord commanded Nephi to go and build a boat. 

C: He wants me to obey. 

A: I will go, I will do the things the Lord commands.


Name one other member of the quorum of the 12. 

Oaks, Eyring, Holland, Cook, Anderson, Uchtdorf, Christofferson, Soares, Bednar, Renlund, Stevenson, Rasband, Gong, Kearon


Who leads the music?

Sister Anderson


True of False: Benjamin was Mosiah's Dad?



If there is anything virtuous, 

Lovely or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. 


We are as the Army of Helaman...

A: We have been taught in our youth.

B: When I have grown a foot or two. 

C: I want to be a missionary now. 

A: We have been taught in our youth.


Who are the members of the First Presidency

Nelson, Eyring, Oaks


Who serves as relief society president?

Hula Singh


Who was Moroni's dad?

A: Alma

B: Mosiah

C: Mormon


We believe that through the atonement of Christ

All mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. 


I will turn to prayer, for I know he is there...

A: I will try to do as Jesus taught. 

B: The miracle that rescues you and me. 

C: I will find my own sacred grove. 

C: I will find my own sacred grove. 


The prophet who came before President Nelson

Thomas S. Monson


Who serves as the elders quorum president?

Robert Stephens


Which one of these men was not a son of Alma?

A: Benjamin

B: Corianton

C: Helaman

A: Benjamin


We believe in the literal gathering of isreal

and in the restoration of the 12 tribes.