Reasons why we take inventory.
What is intake, monthly, new items, destroyed items and discharge inventory?
A 45 minute to an hour session that teaches youth skills that they can use outside of YV
What is life skill?
Youth contact with family or mentors three times a week.
What is a youth's phone call?
7 tokens of a milieu note
What is child behavior/affect, interventions attempted, outcome of interventions attempted, group participation, community meeting, youth participation, brief narrative of community meeting?
Who, what when, where and why.
People who can give items to our youth.
What are family members, DCS, mentors, select staff, YV, etc.
Staples of LS topics
What is personal safety, emotional management, anger management, values clarification, impulse control, assertiveness, boundaries, healthy relationships and social skills?
Something you do when youth make allegations against staff or other youth.
What is tell your supervisor immediately?
List things that would be in token 1.
What is how youth dealt with stress, management of emotions, peer interaction, communication, staff interaction, youth presentation, etc.?
People that need to notified if there is a critical.
Who are MOD, PM, Supervisor and clinician?
People or agencies that have access to inventories.
What is DCS, state auditors, JCAHO, etc.?
Number of life skills that must be entered a week.
What is 2?
The ingredients of a contact note
What is the person contacted and relation, the phone number, brief synopsis of conversation?
Cycle Time
What is you have 24 hours to enter your note?
People that were possible participants.
Who are the youth, nursing, staff are present and LIP?
When you upload your inventories to sites.
What are monthly uploads?
Cycle time
What is 24 hours?
Details that you do NOT include in your contact note.
What is staff's name, specific details of allegations?
Name what docs/processes are effected by milieu notes.
What are discharge, treatment, placement, length of stay, EVALs, goals, STPs, etc.
The phrase "The youth began to present signs of anxiety evident by, ... Staff intervened by attempting to process with the youth while offering his coping skill." is an example of....
What is the integrated experience?
Taking count of youth items when they are preparing to leave.
What is a discharge inventory?
Name the tokens in a life skill.
What is 24 hours?
Difference between token 2 and 3.
What is the how we plan to help the youth reach their goal vs. if it worked or not and what we plan to do the next day?
People that should be notified if there is a restraint.
What is your AD, PM, Supervisor, MOD and clinician?