Name that Prompt
True or False
Verbal Behavior
Grab Bag

Pointing to the correct picture in an array

What is a gestural prompt? 


You are on a field trip with a student when a stranger approaches asking about your role as an RBT. It's okay to explain how you support the student's behavioral needs.

FALSE. We must maintain client confidentiality and rights to privacy.


A child is hungry and requests “chips”

What is a mand?


This is commonly referred to as “ABC”

What is Antecedent, Behavior and Consequence?


Alex places a few interesting toys around the play area and gives her client 5 minutes to explore the environment. He takes note of how much time the child plays with each item to figure out which toys are most desired.

What is a preference assessment?


Demonstrating the target skill for the learner to copy

What is a model prompt?


When subbing for a case, you can use the same SVF as the regular RBT.

FALSE. A separate SVF must be used for each RBT and for each student per month.


The therapist says “Twinkle twinkle little…” and the child responds “star!”

What is an intraverbal?


This intensive teaching strategy involves highly structured repetitive teaching following the SD- Response-Consequence format.

What is DTT (Discrete Trial Training)?


These are the 4 functions of behavior.

What are attention, tangible, escape, and automatic?


Vocally stating the correct answer so the learner can imitate your vocal response.

What is an echoic prompt?


A teacher asks the RBT to stay at the end of the school day and help prep materials for the next day. The RBT must request approval from the clinical director before agreeing and providing this service.

TRUE. Only provide services as authorized and scheduled in CR, unless approved by the clinical director in advance.


The boy sees an airplane in the sky and yells “Plane!”

What is a tact?


This term is known as “SD”

What is Discriminative Stimulus?


The presence of an established, paired, working relationship in which the “learner” will follow the directions of the “teacher”.

What is instructional control?


Placing your hand on the learner's hand to guide them to correctly demonstrate the target behavior.

What is a physical prompt?


Sentinel forms have to be filled out any time an RBT is injured.

FALSE. Sentinel forms are for student injury/risk. Employee incident forms are used for staff injury.


The therapist gives the SD: “Say Oh No”. The child imitates the phrase.

What is echoic?


This data collection process is often referred to as an “FBA”.

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?


This is the process of breaking down a skill into smaller, teachable units.

What is a task analysis (TA)?


Unintentional cue that signals the correct answer, such as position of materials, eye gaze, or tone of voice.

What is an inadvertent prompt?


Student data books must remain in the classroom.

TRUE. RBTs should never take home student data books.


5 animal cards are placed on the table. The RBT says “touch dog”. The child touches the picture of the dog.

What is Listener Responding?


This type of reinforcement schedule is called “FR1”

What is Fixed Ratio 1?


This strategy involves reinforcement of successive approximations to gradually approach a target response.

What is shaping?