One or the Other
Truth and Deception
Crazy? I Was Crazy Once
Who Would've Guessed?

Elyse Would Rather Know When to Die or Not Know When to Die

What is Not Know When to Die?

One of These is a Lie. Emily Hates Cilantro, Emily Has Never Been Out of the Country, Emily's Favorite Season is Summer, and Emily Was in Gymnastics Level 1 for Years, Moved to Level 2 and Broke Her Ankle and Regressed Back to 1

What is Emily's Favorite Season is Summer?


This Person Took a Month-Long Family Camping Trip Around the US

Who is Kiley?


This Person's Biggest Pet Peeve is When People Don't Wear Socks

Who is Kali?


This Person Dropped Their Leftover Thai Food in the Middle of the Street

Who is Deana?


Elli S. Would Rather Be Stuck in a Romantic Comedy with Her Worst Enemy or in a Horror Movie with Her Best Friend

What is Be Stuck in a Rom Com With Her Enemy?


One of These is a Lie. Jame's Friend's Dad Knew Obama, Jame's Uncle Was in the CIA, Jame's Grandpa Helped Make the Nuclear Bomb

What is it James?

This Person Has Fallen Off a Ski Lift

Who is Olivia LaForest?


This Person Has the Skill to Play the Flute

Who is Ireen?


One of These is a Lie. Jonathan Has Almost Drowned Twice, Jonathan Has Broken His Right Ankle Twice, Jonathan Has Never Had His Wisdom Teeth Removed, Jonathan Has Watched the Incredibles More Than 30 Times

What Is Jonathan Has Broken His Right Ankle Twice?

Kaleb Would Rather Eat A 1lb Bag of Slugs or Push an Old Lady Down 4 1/4 Flights of Stairs

What is Push and Old Lady Down 4 1/4 Flights of Stairs?


One of These is a Lie. Kirsten Wears Contacts, Kirsten Can Do Ventriloquism, Kirsten's Family Owned a Dog For a Week

What is Kirsten Wears Contacts?


This Person Once Performed a Backwards Ski Jump on Only One Ski and Went Unconscious by Ramming Backwards Headfirst Into a Tree

Who is Aidan?


This Person's Biggest Pet Peeve is When Someone Can't Find a Parking Spot

Who is Caleb M?


One of These is a Lie. Callahan Has Been Temporarily Blind, Has Been Accused of Being a Scammer, Has Almost Been Mugged, and Has Almost Been Lit On Fire

What Is Callahan Has Almost Been Mugged?

Chey Would Rather Get Proposed to in the SDR or During FYE

What is in the SDR?


One of These is a Lie. JT Has Been Ear Pierced By a Bee, JT Was Almost Named Barnaby, JT and Some Cousins Drove a Car into a Ditch in the 7th Grade, and JT Told a Barber He Didn't Like His Haircut and He Gave Him a Buzzcut After

What is JT Told a Barber That He Didn't Like His Haircut and He Gave Him a Buzzcut After?


This Person Spent an Entire Afternoon with Their Mom Chasing a Parrot Around Their Neighborhood Trying to Catch it

Who is Lilly?

This Person Can Name Most Countries of the World on a Map

Who is Maddie?


This Person's Sister Threw a Stick At Their Eye and Had To Get Stitches On Their Eye

Who is Sam K?


One of These is a Lie. Rosie Didn't Know Her Dad Had a Name Until She Could Read, From the Ages 2-4 Rosie Refused to Wear Clothing, Rosie Actively Ate Worms as a Child, and Rosie Has a Rare Neurological Disorder

What is Rosie Actively Ate Worms as a Child?


This Person Had A Fever Dream That Shrek Started Attacking Them and Then Woke Up Crying

Who is Micah?


This Person Got Chased Off a Campus By Security When They Were in High School

Who is Sam B?


This Person Once Laughed So Hard They Peed On a Rug and Blamed it On the Dog

Who is Molly P?