A person who votes.
Each state's number of electors is based on its population size.
T – Each state’s electors are based on its population size.
Each state is divided into smaller areas, known as a _______, which helps determine voting regions.
The difference in votes between candidates.
The number of electoral votes a state has never changes.
F – Electoral votes change after each census.
Some people believe that the Electoral College does not provide equal _______ for all voters because some states have more influence than others.
A count for official purposes, especially one to count the number of people living in a country and to collect information about them
Safe states are unpredictable and often switch political parties in elections.
F – Safe states are predictable, not unpredictable.
In the U.S. presidential election, a candidate must win a _______ of at least 270 electoral votes to become President.
To appear to be about to fall while moving or standing
Swing states are crucial in elections because they can be won by either major political party.
T – Swing states are important because they are unpredictable.
Some states _______ their electoral votes based on the percentage of votes each candidate receives, rather than using the winner-takes-all system.