Between 8-12 weeks
What is the best age to bring a puppy home?
Black tongues
What is a Chow Chow?
Dog was bred by monks in a hospice in the Swiss Alps
What are St Benards?
Curling up in a ball when they sleep (why)
What is protecting their organs?
What is 42
Number of teeth a dog has?
This dogs tracking power is admissable evidence in a US Courtroom
What are a Bloodhound
Can grow to be over 200lbs?
What is mastiffs?
The last sense a puppy develops
What is hearing?
This dog was bred to attack badgers in their dens
What are dashounds?
Webbed feet
Who is a Newfoundland?
Where does a dog sweat?
What is the paws?
Born with a soft spot on their skull like a human
What are Chihuahuas?
Dog on the box of Cracker Jack Box?
Who is Bingo?
Equivalent of a human's fingers prints in dogs?
What is a nose print?
Which breed has a coat texture similar to a human
What is a yorkshire terrier?
Which dog bread can run up to 44 miles per hour?
What are Greyhounds