What dog is known as "die-hards"
Scottish Terrier?
What is a goldie dog
Golden Retriver?
What is the biggest toy dog.
What is the mix of a pug and a Chiwhawha dog called
What is Doug's favorite food
What is the smallest dog in the world
Teacup chiwhawha?
What is a big, fluffy dog
Tibbetan Mastif?
What is the smallest toy dog.
What is a Chiwhawha dog?
What is the mix of a Lab and a Poodle called.
When was Doug born
What is the fastest dog?
The Greyhound?
What is a dog that looks like a pug
The Bulldog?
What is a mix of a Bulldog and a Pitbull called
Bully Pit?
What is a popular police dog
German Shepard?
Where and when did the Pug come out.
Tibet and 400BC?
what is a mix of a pug and a greyhound called
What is the biggest dog and what is his name.
Zeus the Great Dane?
What is a energetic toy dog
Jack Russel Terrier?
What is the mix of a golden retriver and husky called
When did Doug start doing memes on Instagram