This breed is one of the most dangerous in the world.
What is a Chow Chow?
It is estimated that there are this many dogs world wide.
What is 900 million?
This part of a dog is one of the only places they sweat.
What is a paw pad?
This dog traveled 2,500 miles to try and find his family in 1923.
Who is Bobbie the Collie Shepard mix?
This breed was bred to intrude and fight badgers.
What are Dachshunds?
In 2017 there were this many pet dogs.
What is 89.7?
This part of the dog is only as developed as a 2 year old human.
What is the brain?
This dog's owner was assassinated them himself.
Who is Abraham Lincoln's dog Fido?
This dog breed is one of seven Norwegian dog breeds, and has 6 toes per paw.
What is a Norwegian Lundehund?
This percent of dogs find their forever home.
What is 10%?
Still being a little color blind a dog can still see these colors.
What is blues, yellows and greens?
This dog also traveled a great distance, but they led their blind owner.
Who is the German Shepard, Orient?
This African wolf dog is the only dog breed that cannot walk.
What is a Basenji?
This many puppy mills run licensed and unlicensed in the US.
What is 10,000?
This dog part is the same as a human finger print.
What is a dog nose print?
This loyal dog guarded by their owners grave for 14 years until they too passed.
Who is the Staffordshire Terrior, Bobby?
Due to their webbed feet and water resistant coat, this dog breed is an amazing lifeguard.
What is a Newfoundland?
This man dogs are euthanized in the US each year, due to animal shelters.
What is 1.2 million?
Dogs are known for there immaculate sense of smell, what a lot of people don't know is that they can hear this many more frequencies than us.
What is 2 times?
This Japanese Shiba Inu went back to the train station where he last saw his owner, until he finally died in 1935.
Who is the Shiba Inu, Hachiko?