Dogs VS. Cats
Dogs as Pets
Cats as Pets
Dog Facts
Cat Facts

True or false: Dogs are the most popular pet to have in America.



True or false: Dogs are the most popular pet to have in America.



What is the most popular color for a cat in America?

A. Black and white

B. Brown

C. Orange Tabbies

C. Orange Tabbies


True or false: Dalmation puppies are born with spots

False. They are born white and develop spots as they grow older.


Which type of behavior is typical of cats that indicates contentment?

A. Hissing

B. Growling

C. Purring

C. Purring


Do cats or dogs see better?

A. Cats

B. Dogs

C. They both see about the same

A Dogs. They see much better than cats. Cats are near sighted.


What is the most popular kind of dog to have in America?

A. French Bulldog

B. Golden Retreiver 

C. German Shepherd 

A. French Bulldog


About how long does the average pet cat live?

A. 8 years

B. 11 years

C. 14 years

C. 14 years


What is the best kind of dog to have if you have animal allergies?

A. Chihuahua 

B. Golden Retriever 

C. Poodle

C. Poodle


Which kind of cat is best to have if you have allergies?

A. Siberian Cat

B. Persian Cat

C. Siamese Cat

A. Siberian Cat

Siberian cats are the most  hypoallergenic cats, however they still shed twice a year. 


Do cats or dogs hear better?

A. Cats

B. Dogs

C. They hear about the same.

A. Cats. They are capable of detecting sounds at much higher frequencies than a dog.


Approximatley how many households own dogs in the America?

A. 40%

B. 50%

C. 70%

C. 70%


Approximatley how many households in America own Cats?

A. 30%

B. 50%

C. 60%

A. 30%


What is the smallest dog breed in the world?

A. Yorkie

B. Chihuahua 

C. Pomeranian 

B. Chihuahua


How many hours do cats typically sleep in one day? 

A. 4-6

B. 8-10

C. 14-16

C. 14-16


Are cats or dogs smarter?

A. Cats 

B. Dogs

C. They are both equally smart 

Dogs.They have twice the number of neurons in their cerebral cortexes than what cats have.


Approximatley much does it cost to take care of a dog each year in America?

A. $1,000

B. $2,000

C. $3,000

B. $2,000


What is the most popular kind of cat to have as a pet in the US?

A. Ragdoll Cats 

B. Persian Cats

C. Exotic Shorthair cats

C. Exotic Shorthair cats


Which fact about dogs is NOT true:

A. Dogs can smell your feelings

B. Dogs can smell cancer cells

C. Dogs can smell over a million times better than humans

C. Dogs can smell over a million times better than humans

They can smell about 10,000 times betters than humans. 


What color are kittens’ eyes when they are born? 

A. blue

B. brown

C. black

A. blue


Do cats or dogs have a better memory?

A. Cats

B. Dogs

C. They have a same about memory

Cats. They remember about 200 times longer than dogs. 


About how lon does the average dog live?

A. 10 years

B. 12 years

C. 14 Years

B. 12 years


Approximatley much does it cost to take care of a cat each year in America?

A. Nothing. They take care of themselves.

B. 130

C. 650

C. 650


What is the largest breed of dog in the world?

A. Great Dane

B. English Mastiff

C. Saint Bernard 

B. English Mastiff. They can get up to 200-300lbs


True or false: Cats always land on their feet. 

False. It is common for them to land on their feet, but if they don't have enough time to rotate their bodies while in the air they will not land on their feet.