Code of Conduct
Client Dignity/Safety/Confidentiality
Attendance Policy/Leaves of Absence
Hourly Team Member Expectations
Things That Might Feel New

Carrying or smelling of these 2 substances while on Dogwood property would result in disciplinary action.

What are... Alcohol and Marijuana 


Name a way you can maintain client confidentiality when using Google platforms (email, gchat). 

What is... Using client initials (e.g., KaGu)


How many Excused Absences are each team member at Dogwood is allowed per 365 days?

What is 18


You have a quick text to respond to, what should you do? 

What is... Ask a CD, BCBA, or fellow RBT (if appropriate) to watch your kid while you step out of the therapy environment to respond. 


Provide 2 examples and 2 nonexamples of appropriate footwear to wear to work. 

What is...

Examples: sneakers, ugg boots, ballet flats

Nonexamples: crocs, sandals, chacos, slides, heeled boots 


What is Dogwood's Mission Statement? + What are Dogwood's 4 Core Values?

What is... Working together to reach each child’s potential  +  Be Kind, Be Smart, Be Brave, Be Committed


What is the maximum distance you should be away from your client throughout session? 

What is... 6-10 feet


What type of attendance occurrence is recorded when you arrive to session after your client?

What is a personal tardy

**it also counts if you do not pick up your client from a speech/OT/PT session by the scheduled time**


You are currently an RBT2 and your cumulative ops score is an 82%, are you subject to disciplinary action?

What is... Yes! You are not performing at expected levels for your current position. 


When can you attend the ACM virtually?

What is... With explicit permission from your CD. If you do not believe you can attend in person because you... 1) are on PTO but still want to attend (wow dedication) 2) have an offsite session that is more than 15 minutes from the clinic 3) have a delayed session start time past 9:30am... reach out to your CDs!


Your boyfriend asks you to use your tablet to watch a football game since your internet is down. Is this allowed?

What is... No - this is a misuse of company property


Give an example and nonexample of maintaining client dignity when discussing behavior with your BCBA in front of the client.

What is...

Examples: using "we" phrasing (e.g., "we had a tough time this morning..."), using gchat instead of speaking out loud, using a "code" word for the behaviors you are discussing (e.g., we had a lot of "agg" during...) 

Nonexamples: "Johnny has been acting up...", "Johnny is having a bad day", "Johnny was engaging in a lot of aggression and hitting friends during gym. I told Johnny..." 


If you are scheduled to work 8am-3pm and request to leave session at 10:30am due to a personal emergency this would be considered a...

Absence INSTEAD of a Tardy *worked less than 50% of your scheduled work hours*


Give 2 examples of off-task behavior.

What is...

○ Using a cell phone or other personal electronic device.

○ Using or wearing headphones.

○ Engaging in excessive conversations with other team members.

○ Leaving assigned client groups to socialize.

○ Violating Dogwood’s Client Safety Policy.

○ Remaining in therapy areas when not providing services.

○ Sleeping (or appearing to be asleep) during a work shift.

○ Responding to emails, writing Incident Reports, or writing Session Notes.

○ Encouraging other team members to engage in off-task behavior.


Which photos are appropriate nail lengths for work?






What is...

1. no - potentially sharp! 

2. yes

3. yes

4. no - too long

5. no - LOL


A parent offers you their phone number so they can notify you more quickly when they are running late to an offsite session, what do you do?

What is... Kindly decline "unfortunately we have a no phone policy" & tell them they can email scheduling. Immediately notify your CD/BCBA


Give 2 ways you can tell a funny client-related work story while maintaining client dignity. 

What is...

Referring to others by generic pronouns or generic nicknames like "friend" or "buddy"

Refraining from imitating actions or voices related to the story (e.g., imitating the client's voice like WaDr "hi") 

**even at the clinic**


This attendance occurrence can NOT be requested on the day before or after an observed holiday OR an Approved Absence

What is a personal absence?


You're an RBT3 and your average ops score is a 95%, are you meeting your job expectations? 

What is... Yes! You are on track! 


Your client has speech and you haven't seen your old client in awhile. Why can't you go hang out in the gym with your old client's group for 20 minutes? 

What is... You could be disrupting their therapy time and taking away learning opportunities from their current team member! This also leads to unintentional off topic conversations with other techs that take them away from therapy time with their clients. 

**this is not referring to saying hi to them or giving them a hug or an interaction with the client that lasts for less than a minute**


Your client was 10 minutes late to session and you notice that your CR mobile time reflects an on time arrival when converting your note. What should you do? 

What is...

Notify your CD if you have not converted it. 

Notify Support if you have converted it. 

**failing to notify a member of the leadership team within 48 hours of a billing error is considered billing fraud and will result in disciplinary action**


Your client is tantruming for 10 minutes and you DON'T know what the antecedent was. You've already chatted your CDs and BCBA and are waiting to hear back. What can you do to help deescalate the client while you're waiting?

Compassionate responding: "I know it's tough buddy, but we'll be okay" 

What is...

Discontinue extinction procedures 

Offer/Present choices of reinforcers to attempt to identify a redirectable activity 

Allow escape from the environment to explore a safer place to deescalate (e.g., if tantrum behavior is occurring in the classroom but you know your client loves the gym, offer a walk for the client to escape the room and potentially find something reinforcing in the gym that will help them calm down)


An absence that occurs because you did not send a return status email to the Scheduling Team by the 4pm scheduling deadline.

What is an Unexcused Absence (No Response by Scheduling Deadline)

Your client has a nap daily from 1-2pm, what are things you should be doing during this time?

What is... 

Writing your session note

Responding to actionable emails 

THEN reading/doing homework/scrolling on your phone


Give 3 examples of billing errors

Appointments Added After Conversion Deadline

  • You added an appointment after the conversion window for previous days

Conversion Error

  • You have repeatedly billed for the wrong time when converting but it did not result in an overlap

Missed Conversion

  • You did not convert the appointment by the conversion deadline (7pm the day after)

Missed Session Note Session

  • You did not attend session note sessions but received an email to do so

Overlap Appointment with Other

  • You and another therapist billed for the same time. For example, if you billed 12:02pm-2pm for Direct Therapy and the afternoon therapist billed 1:58pm-4 for Direct Therapy for the same client, you both now have an “overlap appointment with other” from 1:58pm-2pm that day.

Overlap Appointment with Self

  • You double billed times. For example, if you billed 12:02pm-2pm for Nap And 1:58pm-4 for Direct Therapy, you now have an “overlap appointment with self” from 1:58pm-2pm that day.

Service Location Error

  • You chose the wrong service location for the appointment

Delayed Billing Submission

  • You did not attend session note sessions but received an email to do so and we had to delay billing submission for the entire company

Delayed Payroll Submission

  • You did not attend session note sessions but received an email to do so and we had to delay payroll submission for the entire company