Who was Arachne?
Arachne was a girl who thought she was the best weaver.
Who was the Sphinx? Describe
Half woman and half lion with wings. She lived near the gates of Thebes and would give riddles to people walking down her road. If they answered incorrectly, she ate them.
Who was Atalanta?
Princess to a king and queen. She was the fastest runner in the world
Something that is funny or laughable
What was the minotaur?
Half mn and half bull
He WAS A HERO but later became feared among people. He wasn't allowed to live near anyone.
What was the riddle the Sphinx asked and what was the answer? AND WHO ANSWERED IT CORRECTLY?
What walk on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, and 3 in the evening? A HUMAN
Odepius answered correctly.
What did her parents want?
They wanted her to find a husband
another name for a maze
What and where was the labyrinth
A Maze people from athens were forced to go to a died from the minotaur
How did Hercules redeem himself and become a "hero" again?
Apollo for guidance, Completed many tasks (Golden Apples/Atlas, and defeated the Neiman Lion) He learned to control his temper and strength,.
Who created the humans and what did they steal to give the humans?
Prometheus created humans and STOLE fire from Zeus to give them.
Why or why not did Atalanta want to get married?
She didn't believe any of the men who said they wanted to marry her, she thought they just wanted to be king.
If someone gives you________________________________ they help you figure hout how to do something.
Who was Daedalus and what happened to him?
He created the labruith and help Theseus escape (the strong) and then he got locked up in a tall tower
How did Athena meet and TRICK Arachne?
Athena transformed herself into a very old woman and went to see Arachne. She then transformed back and challenged her to a weaving contest!
What was Zeus reaction for stealing the fire?
Him and the other gods created a woman named Pandora and gave her a box. Zeus told her to take the box to Prometheus and not to open it. But since he gave her curiosity, she did and out came sadness, despair and disease which now human have.
What was the deal she made with her parents?
She would marry the man who could beat her in a race.
How did Daedalus escape
He made wings from bird feathers, books, and candle wax, and him and his son escaped.
What punishment did Athena give Arachne and WHY?
Arachne was so embarrassed by losing to Athena in the weaving contest, she said she would never weave again. Athena did not like that, and turned her into a creature that would weave forever. A ARACHNE (spider).
What happened after Oedipus solved the riddle?
The sphinx was so shocked, that she killed herself. The people of Thebes were so grateful to Oedipus, they made him their KING.
What happened at the end and how did it happen?
Persephone, the goddess of love was mad that Atalanta was making a joke of love. She sent her son Eros to shot a love arrow at a man to fall in love with Atalanta. He was able to eat her in the race by using the golden apples to distract her. They got married in the end and Atalanta was happy.
when you stop yourself from doing something
What happened to Daedalus' son?
He flew too close to the sun and died.