Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick
“Band Geeks” and “Pizza Delivery”
What is SpongeBob SquarePants?
From “Sour” to “Guts”
Who is Olivia Rodrigo?
Baja Blast
What is Mountain Dew?
“Time Capsule” and “Quinn’s Date”
What is Zoey 101?
From “14” to “Brat”
Who is Charli XCX?
Flavor Blasted Xtra Cheddar
What are Goldfish?
“TheBritBrats” and “#StuckInABox”
What is Sam & Cat?
From “19” to “30”
Who is Adele?
Pacific Cooler
What is Capri Sun?
“Swiped Sweets” and “Hero for a Day”
What is LazyTown?
Who is Justin “This is going to ruin the tour” Timberlake?
The Tonight Dough (Starring Jimmy Fallon)
What is Ben & Jerry’s?
“Pups save a yodeler” and “Ricky saves himself”
What is Paw Patrol?
From “Can’t take me home” to “Trustfall”
Who is P!nk?
What is Heinz?