What is Dom's middle name?
What temple are they getting sealed in?
Cuz you were Romeo you were throwin pedals
Love Story, Taylor Swift
Who is Beyonce's husband?
Who was asleep next to Dom and Gav during their first kiss?
Favorite color?
What are their wedding colors?
Black and nuetral colors
I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold
As long as you love me -JB
What Gossip Girl actress married Ryan Reynolds?
Blake Lively
What did they do on their first date?
Axe throwing and hot chocolate
What is Dom's major? Where does she work?
Early Childhood education. Academy park
How many bridesmaids does Dom have?
He's holding back, he's hiding, from what I can't decide...
Can you feel the love tonight? #Lion King
Who did Brad Pitt date after his divorce with Angelina Jolie?
Jennifer Anniston
Where did Dom and Gavin meet?
Stadium Way according to Dom and Walmart according to Gav
What's Dom's favorite treat?
Ice cream
Where is the reception?
Sandy, Crescent Hall
If I should stay
I would only be in your way
I will always love you by Whitnayyyy
What ugly guy did Kim K date?
Pete Davidson
Where will Dom and Gavin be living?
What is Dom's favorite attribute about Gavin? One physical, one personality.
What song are they dancing to at their wedding?
Of Love and Life by Caamp
Take my heart and please don't break it
L-O-V-E by Nat King Kole
What is the age limit to all of Leonardo Dicaprio's girlfriends?
Under 25 years old #get it leo #yeyuh daddy
How many kids do they want?
2-3 kids