The definition of Dub
What is to give someone a name or title to someone; to make someone a knight?
Our main character and his mount's name
What is Don Quixote (de la Mancha) and Rocinante?
We first read about him doing this alone in his room
What is he works?
The definition of squire
What is a young man in the final stages of training to become a knight?
What is the innkeeper?
What is a giant?
What is they travel?
What is to interfere in other people's business in an unwanted way?
Our main character's squire
What is Sancho Panza?
When presented with a group of merchants, our main character sees
What is a group of knights?
Don Quixote & Sancho Panza
What is Don Quixote & Sancho Panza travel?
The definition of Friar
What is a male member of a religious group who studies or teachers about Christianity?
Our main character's lady name
What is Dulcinea?
He thought it was an enchanted helmet when in reality it was
What is a basin?
The mule
The definition of Spoil (as according to this novel)
What is something valuable that is stolen or taken by soldiers or thieves?
The name of the donkey our squire rides
What is Rucio?
His housemaid and niece burned the books so he asked where the _________ went that did it
What is the wizard?
What is she worries?