Don Quixote
Sancho Panza
Other Characters
Before and After
This is the woman Don Quixote believes he is working in the name of.
Who is Dulcinea?
This is what Don Quixote promises Sancho Panza in return for being his squire at the beginning of the novel.
What is an isle?
This is the woman Grisostomo fell madly in love with and died for.
Who is Marcela?
This is the name of a 2008 movie starring Christian Bale, who portrays a classic comic book hero, and the role that Don Quixote believes he has taken on.
What is Dark Knight-errant?
This is the region of Spain where Don Quixote's adventures take place.
What is La Mancha?
This is the name of Don Quixote's trusted steed.
What is Rocinante?
This is the name of Sancho Panza's donkey.
What is Dapple?
This is the wealthy nobleman from Andalusia who now roams the woods of the Sierra Morena naked.
Who is Cardenio?
This is what Dale Earnhardt drives and the naked man that roams the forests of the Sierra Morena.
What is race-Cardenio?
Don Quixote and Sancho Panza flee into this mountain range in Spain that means roughly means "brown saw" in Spanish.
What is the Sierra Morena?
This is the name Sancho Panza gives to Don Quixote after he loses many of his teeth.
What is Knight of the Sad Countenance?
Sancho Panza becomes concerned that this "peacekeeping" force will pursue he and Don Quixote after they free the gallery slaves.
What is the Holy Brotherhood?
This is the beautiful young woman that Cardenio meets and helps persuade Don Quixote to return from the Sierra Morena by telling a story of a giant that has taken over her kingdom.
Who is Dorothea?
This is an Islamic holiday that requires Muslims to fast and the name of the protagonist of the novel.
What is Ramadan Quixote?
This is what Don Quixote believes someone melted the helmet of Mambrino into; it is also a natural depression in the earth's surface.
What is a basin?
While doing penance in the Sierra Morena, this is the knight Don Quixote decides to take as his example.
Who is Amadis?
This is the blind, hunchbacked servant that accidentally goes to bed with Sancho Panza in an inn.
Who is Maritornes?
These are the two Italian men that Don Quixote learns about from hearing a manuscript read aloud by a priest.
Who are Anselmo and Lothario?
This is the structure Don Quixote often mistakes for a giant and the 13th president of the United States that was a member of the Whig party.
What is wind Milliard Fillmore?
This is the unknown solution once used by knights that Don Quixote believes can cure any sickness.
What is the Balsam of Fierbras?
This is the number of sheep Don Quixote kills before the shepherds knock out several of his teeth, coincidentally a number that recurs in the Bible.
What is 7?
This is what Sancho Panza mistakes for a slain giant's head.
What are the innkeeper's wineskins?
This is who Cervantes believed wrote the original account of Don Quixote.
Who is Cide Hamete Benengeli?
This is what someone tells Ponyboy to do in "The Outsiders" and the period Don Quixote describes as having virgins roaming freely and without fear.
What is "stay golden" age?
These are three more contemporary writers that were greatly influenced by Don Quixote.
Who are Dostoyevsky, Faulkner, and Melville?