name a candy that people eat at easter
jelly beans
At home when I make a mistake I have these feelings...
mad, sad, embarrassed
You are learning something new in class, your teacher calls on you but you don't know the answer. What do you do?
1. Take a deep breath
2. Say, "I don't know"
3. Say to myself "It's okay I am still learning"
Emmett's favorite color
name a candy made in forest park
At school when I make a mistake I feel...
like hiding my mistake (especially from my teacher)
Someone is being mean to you and you need help. BUT, you don't feel like you can tell your teacher. What do you do?
Talk to a different adult
Emmett's favorite food
swedish fish
nerds gummy clusters were released in...
When I make a mistake sometimes I say "I'm mean. It wasn't a mistake" and it is because I am feeling
You get BIG TIME MAD and you hit and bite your friend. What should you do?
2. Apologize to your friend
3. Say to yourself "I made a mistake, that's ok. I am still a good friend"
Emmett's favorite pokemon card
magnezone ex
what does the name Twix mean?
twin sticks
True or False: Making mistakes happens a lot with big feelings
You see a kid a school being mean to your friend. What do you do?
Don't be a bystander! Get an adult to handle it.
Emmett's favorite teacher
Ms Martin
HARIBO is an acronym for...
hans riegel bonn
Helpful words I can say to myself when I make a mistake....
It's okay everyone makes mistakes
You are working on noticing small mad feelings so you can use a coping skill before they turn into BIG TIME MAD! What do you notice?
making fists
voice getting louder
using not nice words
Emmett's favorite place
with my favorite doggy augusta (augi)