Main Ideas
Making Inferences
Context Clues
Bonus 2x

Since she was six years old, Kate had wanted a dog.  When her eleventh birthday came and she finally received a puppy with a shiny coat and a blue bow around his neck, she was not able to juggle the responsibilities that came with owning a dog.  By this time, schoolwork and sports had taken up most of her time.  It was not because she did not like Samuel.  His brown eyes and the warm expression he made when she petted him made her happy. 

1. Kate had an extremely busy school and sport schedule as an eleven year old. 

2. Kate waited patiently for her golden retriever puppy.

3. Even though Kate got her dream puppy, she did not have the time to care for him.

4. Samuel made Kate's family happy because he brought joy to the home. 

3. Even though Kate got her dream puppy, she did not have the time to care for him.



Snapping a great picture of someone is pretty easy, right? You could just pull your phone out of your pocket and hold it up. Then, wait for the person to flash a quick smile and press a button. Now you have a portrait, or picture, of that person. It was not always that easy to make a picture of a person. Before cameras could take photographs, portraits were created by painters.

In the early years, if you were going to have your portrait painted, it was most likely because you were an important person. The portraits of powerful kings and queens were painted along with wealthy people and those who were in powerful positions. Painters also made portraits of important people from history or religion.

Painting at this time was only done by trained and skilled artists. It took a lot of skill to make all of the materials needed. Brushes, canvases, and paints were made by hand. A person sitting for a portrait would have to sit for long periods of time while the artist worked. Paintings were often very large, and it could take years before a portrait was finished.

Which sentence from the text best shows how photography has changed throughout the years?

1. It was not always that easy to make a picture of a person

2. Before cameras could take photographs, portraits were created by painters. 

3. In the early years, if you were going to have your portrait painted, it was most likely because you were an important person. 

4. Painters also made portraits of important people from history or religion. 

2. Before cameras could take photographs, portraits were created by painters.


Anthony and his classmate decided to play basketball at recess. During the game, anthony wanted to prove that he was the best player of all. Every time Anthony got the ball, he dribbled it all around the court until he could shoot and make the basket. He never ever looked to see if anyone else was open. He just ignored his teammates when they yelled. Pass! Because Anthony scored a lot of points for his team during the game, he figured that everyone would want him on their team from now on. The next day, Anthony stood their as everyone around him got chosen first.

1. People will be jealous if your chosen first

2. Players should always pass the ball to their teammates

3. Don't be greedy

4. Everyone cannot be the Micheal Jordan of their team.

3. Don't be greedy


Make a shopping list before you leave home and stick with it.What does the author mean by this sentence?

1. Shoppers should only buy items they put on their shopping lists.

2. Shoppers should place their shopping lists where they can see them

3. Shoppers should ask family members for help with the shopping lists.

4. Shoppers should check that they have not left their shopping lists at home.

1. Shoppers should only buy items they put on their shopping lists.


What is the difference between a story told in first person and third person?

First Person – told by a person in the story

Third Person – told by a person not in the story


 "Yes, you must slide down the rainbow to see the pot of gold," replied Pat.  Lucky glided down the rainbow, reached the water below with a loud plop, and eagerly looked around.  As he did this, Pat laughed deviously.  "I can't believe you fell for that one!  I tricked you, there is no gold!"  Pat laughed until he could barely breathe, but Lucky did not think it was a funny joke.  Lucky walked away angrily, his clothes dripping wet. What is the main idea of the paragraph? 

1. The pot of gold is located at the end of a rainbow. 

2. Pat is not a nice brother to Lucky. 

3. Lucky became angry when he fell in some water at the end of a rainbow. 

4. Pat tricked Lucky into looking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. 

4. Pat tricked Lucky into looking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


There are two types of whales: baleen and toothed. Blue whales are baleen whales. Instead of teeth, they have long vertical strips that hang from their upper jaws like giant combs. These long strips are called baleen, or whalebone plates, and are made of keratin, a material similar to human fingernails.

Like all whales, blue whales are mammals, not fish. They have lungs to breathe instead of gills, they are warm–blooded, and they give birth to live babies. Blue whales have two blowholes on top of their heads, which act like the nostrils of a nose. When a blue whale swims to the top of the water, it breathes out to empty its lungs. A big spray of water shoots up in the air, as high as 30 feet! Then the blue whale breathes in fresh air through its blowholes, which snap shut before the animal dives below the water's surface. Blue whales come up for air every few minutes, but can hold their breath for up to an hour to make deep dives.

Blue whales win the prize for giving birth to the Earth's biggest babies. Baby blue whales are born up to 25 feet long and weigh between three and six tons. The newborn baby, called a calf, takes its first breath moments after being born. Its mother helps the calf reach the surface, using her flippers. Within a half–hour of birth, the baby can swim on its own. The calf feeds on its mother's thick, rich milk, gaining about 200 pounds a day. At about six or seven months old, the calf starts to eat krill. A calf stays with its mother for about a year. 

According to the passage, what is extraordinary about blue whales in comparison to other whales?

1. Blue whale babies can weigh six tons. 

2. Blue whales were hunted for a long time.

3. Blue whales are warm–blooded. 

4. Blue whales have baleen instead of teeth. 

1. Blue whale babies can weigh six tons.


Today was the day of the big test. Trevor wanted to be sure that he was ready. He went to the bathroom. He cleaned off his desk. He sharpened three pencil just in case he broke one during the test. Just as the test began, Trevor broke his first pencil. He had pressed down too hard on the tip while writing his name. * Good thing I have two more, * Trevor thought as he continued taking the test. Unfortunately, his classmate Linda was not nearly as prepared. She didn't have a spare pencil when she broke hers during the test and therefore didn't get to finish filling the in the answers. 

1. Don't press down so hard on the tip of the pencil.

2. Always be prepared

3.Pencil can easily break during a test, so be sure to have spare one.

4. Be willing to share with other

2. Always be prepared


I crossed the creek on a fallen tree, and still ran on, though my limbs seemed to give way, and my side ached with fatigue. What does the author mean by the phrase “my limbs seemed to give way”? 

1. Gracie felt like she would fall because her legs were so weak. 

2. Gracie worried that the tree would block her path. 

3. Gracie thought the tree below her would fall into the creek. 

4. Gracie felt like she was flying through the air. 

1. Gracie felt like she would fall because her legs were so weak.


Communicating means giving and receiving information. People communicate by speaking, writing letters, and more. Animals communicate with each other, too. Dolphins use sound to communicate with other dolphins in their pods. Each animals has its own special whistle. Dolphin calves quickly learn their mothers’ sounds. Dolphins also make clicks and creaks. They listen to the echoes that their sounds make as they bounce off things. This helps them find food.

What does the word “pods” mean in this text?

A. groups of animals

B. the shells or cases of seeds

C. parts of a ship or airplane 

D. place where animals live

A. groups of animals


Peering through my own binoculars, I could not see the bird anywhere.  Mrs. Maples saw my confusion and offered to help.  "Look right up there," she pointed.  "If you can see, it has beautiful yellow and red feathers."  After about fifteen minutes of scouring every limb of the tree, I finally saw the small bird.  Even when magnified many times, I could not see it well enough to tell what colors its feathers were.

1. It is necessary to have good binoculars while birding.

2. Western tanagers are the most colorful birds in the U.S. 

3. Bird watching takes a lot of skill and practice.

4. Some birds are too small to see, even with the right equipment.

3. Bird watching takes a lot of skill and practice.


Like all whales, blue whales are mammals, not fish. They have lungs to breathe instead of gills, they are warm–blooded, and they give birth to live babies. Blue whales have two blowholes on top of their heads, which act like the nostrils of a nose. When a blue whale swims to the top of the water, it breathes out to empty its lungs. A big spray of water shoots up in the air, as high as 30 feet! Then the blue whale breathes in fresh air through its blowholes, which snap shut before the animal dives below the water's surface. Blue whales come up for air every few minutes, but can hold their breath for up to an hour to make deep dives.Based on the passage, which of the following describes how a blue whale breathes

 1. A blue whale breathes through the nostrils of its nose.

2. A blue whale exhales through its blowholes before inhaling fresh air.

3. A blue whale surfaces for air every few hours.

4. A blue whale breathes in air as it swims underwater.

2. A blue whale exhales through its blowholes before inhaling fresh air.


The Lighthouse

Like an old man,
it stands tall,
proud of all it has done.

Like the morning sun,
it glows brightly,
giving hope and guidance.

like a lonely child,
it sits sadly,
waiting for someone to notice.

I hear it sighing loudly.
I see it reaching out.
I smell its loneliness.
I feel its loneliness.
I taste its love for life.

Like a flashlight,
it searches,
looking for the lost.

Like a father,
it warns of danger,
keeping people on track.

Its strength,
its loneliness,
its fears,
work together to protect.

The lighthouse.

The theme of the poem is that it is important to help others.  Choose the set of lines from the poem that best summarizes the theme. 

1. Like an old man,
it stands tall,
proud of all it has done.

2. Yet,
like a lonely child,
it sits sadly,
waiting for someone to notice. 

3. I smell its loneliness.
I feel its loneliness.
I taste its love for life. 

4. Like a father,
it warns of danger,
keeping people on track. 

4. Like a father,
it warns of danger,
keeping people on track.


Known for being trailblazers,YouTube and CNN hosted their first presidential debate in july 2007.  Which phrase means the same as "trailblazers"

1. people who waste money on unnecessary items

2. people who follow the paths of others

3. leaders who achieve something new or innovative in a particular field

4. youngsters who are incredibly successful

3. leaders who achieve something new or innovative in a particular field


The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.

What type of figurative language is this an example of?

A. metaphor

B. alliteration

C. personification

D. onomatopoeia 

C. personification


Small Cats

The tiger-striped cats that live as pets in many people’s homes are related to the huge jungle tigers. While they are both cats with stripes, tigers are big cats, and the tiger-striped pet cats are small cats. Lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars are big cats. Cougars, bobcats, and pet cats are from the small cat part of the cat family tree. Big cats and small cats have many similarities and differences.  

Big Cats

There are only four species of big cats. Big cats can roar, but they cannot purr. Big cats are large in size. The largest, the tiger, can weigh up to 670 pounds and can be between 7 and 13 feet long. The smallest big cat, the leopard, is still pretty large. A leopard can weigh between 60 and 200 pounds and can measure between 3 and 6 feet long.

All big cats are carnivores. They hunt for their food, and their bodies are built for hunting. Big cats have sharp teeth and claws that help them catch and eat their prey. They have strong jaws to hold onto the body of the animals they have caught. Because they only eat meat, they must hunt for food, or they will go hungry. Big cats also need a large area to roam and to hunt for their prey. Big cats are found in Asia, Africa, and South America.

Small Cats

There are more than 30 species of small cats. Small cats can purr, but they cannot roar. Smaller wild cats are usually larger than tame cats kept as pets. Many of the small cats can weigh between 10 and 40 pounds. Cougars (sometimes called pumas or mountain lions) are as large as big cats, weighing up to 220 pounds. Although cougars are as large as big cats, they have more in common with small cats.

Small cats are also carnivores with sharp claws. Small cats are hunters who stalk their prey, pouncing when they are close enough to catch their prey. They can be found in many types of environments. Sand cats live in the desert, pumas live in the mountains, margays live in rainforests, caracals live in dry grasslands, and the Canada lynx live in the frozen tundra.                                                                                                        1.  Big cats and small cats are the same in some ways but different in others. 

 2. Big cats and small cats stalk their prey over large areas.

3. Big cats and small cats are exactly the same except for their size. 

4. Big cats and small cats can hunt, purr, and roar. 


4. Big cats and small cats can hunt, purr, and roar.


Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. He lived in Atlanta, Georgia. King was one of three children. His parents were Martin Luther King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. The King family led a very happy life. During this period of time there was a lot racial problems in America. African Americans were treated badly compared to white citizens. King's father tried to teach his children to ignore the problems. He did not want his children to feel like they were not good enough. King always remembered what his father taught him.

King was a very good student. He skipped both the 9th and 11th grades. After high school, King attended Morehouse college. He was only 15 years old when he started college. He got his college degree in 1948. King also earned his Ph.D. in 1955. He was only 25 years old.

King met Coretta Scott while he was in college. They eventually got married. They had four children together. The children's names were Yolanda, Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott, and Bernice. King eventually became a pastor in Montgomery, Alabama. He did all of this before he finished his Ph.D.

King became a well–known activist as racial tension continued. He would eventually lead the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. This would last from the mid–1950s until his death in 1968. King was very determined and passionate about civil rights.

African Americans began to lead protests. By 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. was known all over the country for his efforts. On August 28th, 1963, King gave his most famous speech. It was called the "I Have a Dream" speech. It was given in Washington D.C. There was more than 200,000 people there. The speech focused on the idea that someday everyone would be equal. The hard work began to pay off. There was the creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. King also received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. These were great events.

There were bad things that happened, too. King was put in jail many times during these years. His home was always damaged, and his family was in danger. This was hard for King. He did not stop his efforts to gain equality for African Americans.

Martin Luther King Jr. was killed on April 3, 1968. Someone shot him while he stood outside of his hotel room. King's death was terrible and much too soon; however, his memory will live on forever. King played a huge part in getting equality for African Americans. He will always be known as one of the most important African American leaders in history.

Which detail from the text BEST supports the inference that Martin Luther King Jr. will be remembered fondly for his work?

1. King also earned his Ph.D. in 1955. 

2. King eventually became a pastor in Montgomery, Alabama. 

3. King's death was terrible and much too 

4. He will always be known as one of the most important African American leaders in history. 

4. He will always be known as one of the most important African American leaders in history.


One dreary day, a poor beggar knocked on a woman's door. As she opened her crooked door, she wondered why the man came by. She wanted nothing to do with him until he showed her a stone he had in his pocket, and told her that he could make the most delicious stone soup with it. Finally, the woman let the man in. She was curious to know what stone soup would taste like.

She soon put on a pot of water. Once it began to boil, the beggar told her that they needed some barley, salt, and butter. She pleased him by adding those ingredients. After he tasted the soup, he asked her if she had any vegetables to put in. She quickly got some potatoes, celery, and onions from the cellar, and happily added them to the soup.

After the soup cooked for some time, he tasted it again and told her that they needed just one more ingredient. He asked her for some chicken. The woman quickly ran to the yard and got a chicken. After cleaning the chicken, she added it to the soup. Still curious how the stone could make the soup taste so good, she leaned over the pot and smelled the aroma.

The beggar told her that the soup was finally done. She poured a heaping bowl for the man and herself. The woman was amazed with the taste of the stone soup. After they finished, the beggar thanked her for allowing him to make the stone soup. He knew that the time had come for him to be on his way. He got the stone from the pot and put it back into his pocket. The woman thanked him and told him to come again. He smiled and left. As he vanished into the woods, he smiled as he thought about how he had tricked the woman into making the soup for him.

1. Beware of strangers. 

2. Rocks make food taste better.

3. People should trust other people.

4. Everyone benefits by sharing what they have. 

4. Everyone benefits by sharing what they have.


What does it means by the phrase "trial and error is normal"?

1. Asking questions is common.

2. Testing ideas is unimportant.

3. Working slowly is bothersome.

4. Making mistakes is expected.

4. Making mistakes is expected.


What is the difference between a firsthand account and secondhand account?

First hand account-first person pov, story told from someone who witness it. May contain words such as Me, I, My

Second hand account-third person pov, information giving from a second resource. May contain words such as they, she, he


A Day at the Beach

As we pass a familiar street light and Dad rolls down the window, I can already smell the salt in the air. The wind blows my hair and it tickles my face as I feel the car come to a final stop. My whole family leaps out, grabs whatever we can carry, and we walk as fast as we can to our final destination. The black pavement ends gradually because the sand is overflowing onto it. When I walk to this point, I kick off my sandals and let my feet sink into the white powder. As I walk further west, I don't mind that my feet are burning because I know in a few minutes they will be in the cool, refreshing water. Filtered through my sunglasses I look up and see the beautiful beach along the Pacific Ocean.

I hear seagulls and crashing waves, smell the salty air, and feel the cool breeze. At the same time I feel the warm sun on my skin and the mixture of temperatures gives me the chills. We find the perfect spot, next to our favorite lifeguard tower that reads, "56th." My brother, sister, and I drop everything and run towards the big, blue mass stretching as far as we can see. We are running, and the sand becomes harder and colder under our feet as we get closer. This makes us slow down, knowing that the first wave to touch our toes will feel like ice. 

I let a few waves pass, getting up the courage to feel it. Finally, I take a deep breath and let the water engulf my feet up to my ankles. I squeal and try not to move my toes as they go from feeling frozen to feeling normal again. "It's not that cold!" I yell up to Mom and Dad who are sitting on their beach chairs under a colorful umbrella. I stand there as my feet disappear under the sand more and more with every wave. 

I am now lying on a brightly colored towel, and I smell like a fresh layer of sunscreen. I eat some chips and drink a soda before challenging my dad to a game of paddle ball. He accepts the challenge, and we play until our arms are tired. Now that we have worked up a sweat, it's time to go swimming in the beautiful water. Now, jumping all the way into the ocean takes a lot more will–power than just putting your toes in, but that has never stopped me. I wait for a wave to build and without thinking, dive straight into it. I reach my arms forward and plunge all the way to the sand below. I pick up a handful before gliding back towards the surface. My hair is slicked back by the movement of the water, and I can taste the salt in my mouth. As I reach the surface, my body temperature is already comfortable in the cool water surrounding me. I am far enough from the shore that the waves simply glide beneath me and lift me up with ease. It is so peaceful.

1. It is important to protect your skin from the sun. 

2. The beach is a fun place to spend the day. 

3. Ocean water is usually cold.

4. Paddle ball is a difficult game. 

2. The beach is a fun place to spend the day.



With the invention of cameras, portraits could be done without a painter. Cameras use light to create images. Light from the person or object being photographed travels through a small hole in the camera. The light is then projected onto the back wall of the camera. The image is actually flipped upside down as the light passes through the hole.

By the 1870s, the type of plates used in cameras had changed. Photographs now only took 2–3 seconds! Instead of taking up a whole room, cameras could now fit in a person's hands. That meant they could be carried more easily from place to place. It still took a lot of work to adjust all of the parts of the camera, though. By the 1880s, cameras used rolls of film instead of solid plates. Cameras were also becoming cheap enough for more people to buy. 

Cameras were being used for more than just portraits by the 1930s. Photographers did not have to keep large, heavy cameras in one place. The smaller cameras could be carried around to snap a picture anywhere. People began to photograph what was happening around them.

In the 1970s and 1980s, cameras could adjust themselves. The photographer just had to think about what would be in the picture. Even people who did not know very much about how cameras worked could take good pictures in only an instant. Like painting, photography was spreading to ordinary people, too.

Which sentence from the passage best supports the inference that people without photography training are able to use cameras easily?

1. The most common type of photographs taken at this time was portraits of people. 

2. By the 1880s, cameras used rolls of film instead of solid plates.

3. Cameras were also becoming cheap enough for more people to buy. 

4. Even people who did not know very much about how cameras worked could take good pictures in only an instant.

4. Even people who did not know very much about how cameras worked could take good pictures in only an instant.


"Hey there, what's up?" As if his request had been answered, he suddenly saw a boy sitting at the end of his bed, as if he had appeared from thin air. "My name is Marcus. What's yours?"

"Uh, my name is Nicholas," he replied. "I'm from Toledo, and this is my first day here."

"Cool! I'm from Detroit, so you and I are practically neighbors! Well, actually we ARE neighbors—I live in the room right next to yours. I have been in boarding school for a year, so if you need to know your way around, ask me. Wow, I remember my first day, all I did was lay on the bed and stare at the walls. I was so scared because I had never really been away from home before, not even to go to summer camp. Some people say that school here is a lot like being at camp, especially when it comes to sports."

The thought of playing sports got Nicholas's interest. "You actually play sports here? From what I've seen, it's just a lot of going to class and studying."

"I thought the same thing a year ago, because I had really wanted to be on the swim team in Detroit," Marcus explained. "I soon found out that I was wrong, and I would be able to join swim after all. The swim team here has won the state championship three years in a row. The school even has an Olympic–sized pool!"

Marcus looked around the room. He did not seem to notice that Nicholas's heart was racing with excitement. "So," he continued, "did you know that this dorm is over one hundred years old? I'll bet these walls haven't been painted since it was built!"

1. It is helpful to prepare ahead for an unlikely event just to be sure.

2. It is okay to be angry as long as you let people know how you feel. 

3. It is easier to stick with what is familiar to you than to try something new. 

4. It is important to always give something a try before making a decision about it.

4. It is important to always give something a try before making a decision about it.


Soon someone sprang up on the log by which I lay, and stood there calling. I could not see his face. I still kept quiet, till I heard shouted over me a pet name, which this brother had given me. It was the funniest name in the world, so I sprang up, and caught my brother about the ankles. He hoisted me on to his shoulder, called my other brothers, who were hunting in different directions, and we all set out for home. What is the meaning of the phrase “sprang up” ? 

1. yelled loudly

2. looked carefully

3. fell accidentally

4. appeared suddenly 

4. appeared suddenly


The Sneaky Leprechaun

One beautiful day while running through a garden, a young leprechaun named Pat came across a tall, stunning waterfall. He watched as the cool water glistened in the sunlight as it fell into the pool below. Just then, a rainbow appeared right before his eyes! "Wow, I bet there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow!" he said. Without another thought, Pat jumped onto the rainbow and slid all the way down to the pond, ending with a splash. Pat landed in the crystal clear water, but there was no gold to be seen. "I was wrong, there is no gold here, but only I know that..." Pat let out a conniving laugh as he headed back to see his brother, Lucky.

"Lucky, I found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, come quick!" Lucky was excited and quickly followed Pat back to the top of the waterfall.

"The gold is down there?" asked Lucky.

"Yes, you must slide down the rainbow to see the pot of gold," replied Pat. Lucky glided down the rainbow, reached the water below with a loud plop, and eagerly looked around. As he did this, Pat laughed deviously. "I can't believe you fell for that one! I tricked you, there is no gold!" Pat laughed until he could barely breathe, but Lucky did not think it was a funny joke. Lucky walked away angrily, his clothes dripping wet.

"Pat, one day you will tell the truth and no one will believe you." he said in a low, disappointed tone.

Pat disregarded Lucky's comments and continued to play practical jokes on other leprechauns in the garden. A few weeks later, Pat came across an old, long wooden bridge. As he crossed it, he saw a colorful rainbow emerge from the bright blue sky. The rainbow led from the highest clouds all the way to the ground below the bridge. As he stared down from the bridge, Pat thought he saw something shining on the ground below. He gazed until his eyes fixed onto a bowl–like object filled with something. "It is, that is a pot of gold!" Pat looked around, frantically looking for a way to get down to the gold. It was a very far drop to the ground from where he stood on the old bridge, and he knew he needed help. As fast as he could, Pat ran home to get Lucky.

When Pat told Lucky what he had discovered, Lucky replied "No way, I am not falling for that again!"

Pat pleaded with Lucky to believe him. "I promise I am telling the truth this time, there really is a pot of gold!" Lucky still did not trust him. After what felt like hours, Lucky became so annoyed with Pat that he finally agreed to follow him to the old bridge. When they arrived, the beautiful rainbow was gone and to Pat's dismay, so was the pot of gold. Pat looked down in disappointment, but a moment later something shiny caught his eye. Something was stuck in the mud just a few feet from where he stood. He walked over, picked it up, and rinsed it off in the pond. "Look, I found one gold coin, I told you there was gold here!" said Pat.

Lucky gazed at his brother and then at the coin and said, "If only you had always told the truth...I would have believed you sooner!"

Pat replied, "You are right, I am sorry Lucky." 

1. It is really fun to play practical jokes on others. 

2. One should always take advice from older siblings because they are wiser.

3. Siblings usually fight with each other. 

4. It is important to always tell the truth.

4. It is important to always tell the truth.