Tutoring Services
Writing Services
University resources

How do you make an appointment with Tutoring Services?

"Navigate Student" app on your phone or URL: https://monmouth.navigate.eab.com/


How to Make an Appointment with Writing Services?

First determine whether you would like an in-person appointment or a virtual appointment. Accudemia or "Navigate Student"


What does "PAL" stand for? (It's an acronym)

Peer Assisted Learning


Name 5 areas of support for students(located in this building)

Tutoring, Writing, First Year Advising, CPS(Counseling and Prevention Services), Transfer/Undeclared


 How far away are we from the beach?

Monmouth University is less than 1 mile from the Atlantic Ocean! This makes it very easy to walk to the beach, enjoy food and drinks with friends, or even walk/run the boardwalk! 


What is "Study Buddies"

Identify classmates who are interested in group study and access their contact information directly in the app.


What is Resource for Writers?

Skill sheets as PDF's covering topics such as grammar and punctuation, the writing process, research and documentation, types of writing and writing by department


What is PAL?

PAL is a series of group study sessions for some of MU’s most challenging courses.  Led by PAL Leaders (students who have done well in the class before), PAL Sessions are free and open to any students in those classes who are interested in improving their understanding of the course material and their course grade.


Name 3 services offered by MU Police.

Lost and Found, Photo IDs, Weather Emergency Information and more.


Who is our school's mascot?

Shadow the Hawk


What are some of the best tools or strategies you can use to keep yourself organized while at college? (multiple answers here)

  1. A planner

  2. A calendar

  3. An organization phone app

  4. Sticky notes/flags

  5. Alerts from your phone

  6. Looking at the syllabus and noting dates on a calendar


Who are the writing assistants?

We are a dedicated team of undergraduates, graduate students, professionals and faculty who are eager to offer writing assistance to the Monmouth community. Our motto is: we help produce strong writers, not just better papers! We offer writing instruction on a one-to-one basis to students at every level, of every major, and at every stage of the writing process.


What should expect in a PAL session?

  1. Bring your notes, textbook, and questions.  It is ok to be confused or make mistakes!  PAL Sessions are the place for you to work through the material and improve your understanding.

  2. Plan to work collaboratively.  PAL Sessions are designed to involve students in small group work and discussion.

  3. Think critically about your own study skills.  PAL will help you figure out not only what to learn, but how!

  4. Finally, stay connected with your classmates.  PAL Sessions will give you an opportunity to connect with other students, compare notes, and help one another outside of regular class time.


Where are some great areas to study around campus?

a. The library has multiple floors, the higher up you go, the quieter it gets 

b. The Great Hall. The Great Hall has its own café attached so you can pick up a coffee and sit down and study while admiring the beautiful architecture of the building 

c. Outside! On beautiful days you can find a table and sit down and study around the academic or residential side of campus

d. Lower level Student Center(CSS)


What number does our school mascot wear?

33 to represent the year that Monmouth was founded! (1933)


Who are the peer tutors?

All Peer Tutors are students who have excellent academic standing and excel in the areas in which they tutor. The role of a tutor is to enable students to do their own work using the best learning approach possible. The ultimate goal is to assist students in discovering how he or she best learns and to help students develop the skills to achieve his or her best educational outcome.


True or False: Students can only attend Writing Services appointments for help in English classes.



What types of courses are typically supported by PAL?

General chemistry, biology courses, accounting, and several more. 


What are Professor office hours?

Attendance at office hours is strongly encouraged. These hours are usually posted in a course syllabus, on Ecampus, or on their door. During office hours you can stop by just to say hello, ask a question, or get whatever help you need.


What is Ecampus?

Ecampus is Monmouth’s software platform use by professors and other departments on campus. It houses course information from your professors, training from the school for employment purposes, and other valuable information.


What is "Khan Academy"?

With practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard, Khan Academy empowers learners to study at their own pace, both in and out of the classroom. Covering subjects from kindergarten through early college, including math, science, reading, computing, history, art history, economics, financial literacy, SAT, MCAT, and more, Khan Academy focuses on skill mastery to help learners build the strong foundations they need to succeed in higher education and in their careers.


Location of Writing Services?

Lower Level Student Center


True or False. You must sign up to attend a PAL session?

False! Walk-ins are expected and welcomed!


How many partners does Monmouth University have in our signature and Faculty-Led Study Abroad programs?

5. Get more information on the Lower Level of the Student Center in the CSS.


Monmouth Lore

True or False: There are two gravesites located on campus.

True: Behind the well. They were for the Parson's pets. One says "died" one says "killed".