" Loud let the new sing ring." "Jehovah now is king"
"So keep the pace
___ ___ ___ ___ _____"
" You can win the race"
Song 104
" Praise Jah with me, Loud let it ring."
__ ____ __ ___ _____ ___ ______ _____ _____"
"He gives us life, breath, and every good thing."
Song 146
"If you comforted them,
You comforted me
If you did it for them, you did it for me
_____ ______ ___ ____ ____ ______ ___ ____"
"Your labors for them were labors for me"
In a JW Broadcast, the society showed a video with a brother who, while in a concentration camp, wrote a kingdom melody we still sing today. What is the name of that Kingdom Melody?