Physical Health
Stress & Anxiety
Brain & Sleep
Food & Energy

We should take care of our physical health and our _____ health. (fill in the blank)

mental, emotional, spiritual health


What is stress?

Stress is any demand placed on your brain or body. Any event or scenario that makes you feel frustrated or nervous can trigger it.

Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.  


This is the mass of nervous tissue which can be located inside your skull. It is responsible for every function  

The brain. 


What is the temperature danger zone?

4-60 degrees


These are elements that are essential for good health. Sodium and potassium are 2 very important ones for humans (as well as magnesium and calcium)



What is the passing down of traits from a parent to a child.

Heredity or genetic


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. While it can occur as a reaction to stress, it can also happen without any obvious trigger. 

This could be excessive worries that do not go away, even when there is no clear source for the anxiety or after the stressor is gone.


This is an something we should do everyday that maintains or improves your physical health. 



How long can vulnerable food stay in the temperature danger zone fore?

Maximum of 4 hours. 


Micronutrients that we need from food (and sunlight) to help the body carry out several body functions.



What are some ways to avoid getting sick?

Wash your hands, eat nutritious foods, exercise, practice cleanliness, avoid alcohol and tobacco. 


What are some things you can do to naturally boost your dopamine?

Exercise, get enough sleep, listening to music, getting some sunlight, dancing, trying something new. 


How might a person feel or act when they don't get enough sleep?

Poor memory, Poor focus and concentration, Poor motor function, Weakened immune system, Feeling tired and having low energy, Less creativity, Poor decision making, Mood changes, Anxiety/depression, Having trouble regulate emotions 


Which macronutrient is responsible for repairing muscles?



Getting enough _______ is very important for many things: Bringing nutrients to cells, getting rid of wastes, protecting joints and organs, and maintaining body temperature, keeping our skin healthy. (almost ever process in our body needs this.)



What are some ways to take care of our health?

Eat healthy, exercise, practice safety, go to the doctor for checkups, be social, practice gratitude. 


The idea of trying everyday to focus on the good things in your life and be thankful for all that you have.

Practicing gratitude. 


What are some things your brain does when you sleep?

Tissue and cell growth and repair, brain reorganizes and recharges itself. The brains stores information from the day and gets rid of waste. The part of the brain responsible for regulating our emotions is active when we sleep. 


Which micronutrient is responsible for the transport of vitamins ADEK, it also keeps our immune system strong and can help keep our skin healthy and glowing?


How much sleep should someone your age get each night?

8-10 hours. 


What is the name of the hormone that is produced from the absence of light - it helps you sleep longer and better. 



What is dopamine?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, it plays a role in pleasure, reward and motivation. 

It plays a role in addiction as some drugs can trigger an unnatural amount of dopamine. This triggers the pleasure/reward pathway.


How does dopamine play a role in mental health?

People who have depression may have low levels of dopamine, people with ADHD have imbalances with dopamine which could lead to spikes and crashes with dopamine. People with schizophrenia may have an excess of dopamine.  


This is the process of converting our food into energy that our body can use.



What are some factors that play into a person needing more water that day.

Sweating (exercise, sports) Hot or humid weather, or being sick.