We should take care of our physical health and our _____ health. (fill in the blank)
mental, emotional, spiritual health
What is anything that causes a stress response.
What is Social health
Your ability to form meaningful relationships with other people and interact in healthy, positive ways.
What is a dog's most highly developed sense?
What is Smell?
True or false, cats always land on their feet?
What is the passing down of traits from a parent to a child
Laughter can actually decrease pain and release happy hormones. (True or False)
When you laugh, your body releases endorphins, which help you feel happier. These happy hormones boost your mental health. This can also lead to less pain.
What is the most common Social Pressure?
What is Peer Pressure
The dog breed that has the longest ears?
What is a Basset Hound
Why were the cats so important to the ancient Egyptians?
The kept their granaries free of mice, protecting thier food supply
What are some ways to avoid getting sick?
Humans are the only animals who cry due to emotion. (True or False)
You may see tears in other animals, but they don’t stem from emotions. That’s a human trait.
What is emotional health
Being able to deal with emotions on a daily basis; coping skills; stress and anger management; expressing happiness; communicating effectively; decision-making; self reflection; ability to overcome hardships
The part of the body do dogs sweat through.
What is Paws?
Are cats the most popular pets in the world?
YES, outnumbering dogs by as many as 3 to 1.
What are some ways to take care of our health?
Eat healthy, exercise, practice safety, go to the doctor for checkups, be social, practice spirituality
What is Defense Mechanism
This is an automatic, short-term behavior to cope with distress.
What is Social health
Your ability to form meaningful relationships with other people and interact in healthy, positive ways.
True or False: Dalmatians are born with spots?
What is False?
Black and White cats are called Magpies? True or False?
Owning a dog may reduce heart disease risk. (True or False)
Ture! The American Heart Association says owning pets improves mental health and may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, lowering your risk for heart disease.
What is Mental Health.
This is the way people think about and respond to events in their daily lives.
Why is social health important
Better overall health. Happiness. Outside support. Decreases feelings of depression. Meaningful relationships
The age of the world's oldest dog - when he died
The maximum MPH a cat can go.
What is 30 MPH?