The focal point of many cafeteria fights.
What is a cookie?
Vern's favorite character, you do this when you are cold.
Who is Shiver?
Second choice for president.
Who is Callie Cuttlefish?
Since Total Drama is a Canadian show, they should have been named Kilometers.
Who is Miles(Ridonculous Race)?
*Stands behind Cyra menacingly.*
Who is Elizabeth?
I get a turkey club here, mostly because it's really good, but also because it's punny with where you find this restaurant.
What is Rachel's?
The Squid Sisters, the first idol duo in Splatoon, have names that together make a pun based on a, in-canon, disturbing fried food.
Who are Callie and Marie?
The gays
What is Off the Hook?(Marina and Pearl)
Veronica can fix her.
Who is Ringu/Specimen 4?
I banged you.
Who is Erin?
They added them at Taco Bell and I am a freak for literally anything in this flavor.
What are birthday cake churos?
Color of Callie Cuttlefish in Splatoon 1 and 2(but not 3)
What is the color pink?
Who should Shiver kiss?
Who are Frye, Marie, Callie, Marina(insert literally any other eligible female character in the franchise)
An Icon. A Legend. Fashion Blog Co-owner.
Who is Jen(Ridonculous Race)?
If we get salacious, I know you jinxed us.
Who is Cyra?
I have it for lunch(usually).
What is a BLT?
Name of the idol group in Splatoon 3, synonymous with a large stab wound.
What is Deep Cut?
What's Shiver's last name?
Who is Hohojiro?
Who is Montgomery Mole?
Omg pink is ___'s color. (other person puts marker back, pulls out new one). Wait wait that's _____'s color!!!!
Who is Vern?
Coffee place in the Key West.
What is Cuban Coffee Queen?
Inklings are kids and ____.
What are squids?
What was my fav splatfest?
What is Grandfest?
Where in the world is _____?
Who is Carmen Sandiego?
Hi Vern! Wow, you're on a mission.
Who is Taylor?