Cardiac arrest, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), and heart failure are results of...
What is heart disease?
These are the specific states with the highest rates of strokes.
What are Alabama and Mississippi?
This is the leading cause of a stroke.
What is high blood pressure?
A defibrillator attempts to restore...
What is a normal heart beat?
These drugs reduce blood pressure by blocking the effects of epinephrine/adrenaline
What are beta blockers?
What is a stroke?
It's the 5th leading cause of death among women in the US.
What is a stroke?
These are two key risk factors for heart disease.
What are high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, or smoking?
John collapses due to cardiac arrest. These are the actions bystanders should take.
What is chest Compressions, call 911, defibrillator.
This medication helps prevent blood clots from forming in your arteries and may help lower risk of stroke and heart attack.
What is aspirin?
It is the leading cause of disease worldwide.
What is ischaemic heart disease?
What fraction of the world’s deaths from heart disease occur in low- and middle-income countries?
What is 3/4?
What is a food desert?
Knowing that untreated high blood glucose can lead to heart disease and stroke, if someone is prediabetic, this is how often they should check their blood glucose.
What is annually?
This is one of the largest open-source databases you can use to survey data on risk behaviors and chronic health conditions.
What is a Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)?
This variant of heart disease is associated with the blood vessels supplying the heart
What is coronary heart disease?
They are the general global regions with the highest IHD mortality rates.
What are Eastern Europe and Central Asia?
This community is surrounded by fast-food restaurants
What is a food swamp?
Tony suffered a stroke, but he luckily survived. There is a 23% chance of him getting this.
What is a second stroke?
The supply of primary care physicians and physician assistants were found to be positively associated with...
What is the cardiovascular health index?
This is when plaque builds up in one’s arteries and they harden.
What is arteriosclerosis?
This is how much the percentage of deaths from heart disease has fallen compared to 40 years ago.
What is 62%?
This is a risk factor for stroke and is also referred to as a “mini-stroke.” People who have one or more are 10 times more likely to have a stroke.
Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
This is the age one should get a 10 year risk calculation (for cardiovascular disease) from a fasting lipoprotein profile.
What is 40 years old?
This is what each letter of FAST stands for.
What is face, arm, speech, and time?