What a Disaster
Healthcare Havoc
Online Offense
Safety 101
Nuts for Nutrition

This three digit phone number, first introduced in 1968, is the United States go-to emergency hotline



 Burns or scorching to this area of the body must be treated quickly and warrants an immediate call to 911 for emergency aid.

Face, mouth or nose.  


There are 4 common ways to strengthen a password. 1) using a combination of upper and lower case letters, 2) increasing the password length to 12-14 characters, 3) using numbers and 4) using a _____.

 a symbol or special character


It is important to lock up your car and home for this reason.

 so you don’t get broken into and have your stuff stolen.


 Coffee, soda, and juice are not full replacements for this critical fluid.



 EvCC’s security office has an entrance outside of this building on campus.

Parks Student Union


Animal bites, serious burns, or cuts from dirty or rusty objects should be treated with this vaccine within 48 hours of injury. This vaccine should also be updated with a booster every 10 years.

Tetanus vaccine (Tdap or Td booster)


This type of verification requires 2+ pieces of evidence (through a phone number or email verification or fingerprint) giving an extra layer of security to an account in case the user's password is stolen.

 2-step verification or multifactor authentication


Leaving this item unattended in a public space leaves you vulnerable to date r*** drugs, also known as "roofies," even in places considered safe such as the Parks Student Union building or restaurants.



 It is a myth that this vitamin helps you get better faster when you're sick.

 Vitamin C


EvCC has binders of this color in every classroom that includes information about emergency planning and management.



This medication is used to treat opioid overdoses and is available for public use through most pharmacies or for free via the People's Harm Reduction Alliance.

Narcan or Naloxone


This file type, named after a dessert, saves browsing data entered into a website. Allowing websites to access these files poses a security risk because third-party sites can use the personal information saved like usernames and passwords which can result in security or privacy concerns.



This simple safety tactic involves understanding the environment, its elements, and changes. Common implementations involve being mindful of exits, being wary of being alone with strangers, noticing non-verbal cues, and trusting your intuition or "gut feelings".

situational awareness


 This vitamin from the sun can still be absorbed through clouds.

 Vitamin D


This acronym is used to remember how to use a fire extinguisher. This involves pulling the pin from the handle, aiming the nozzle at the base of the fire, squeezing the lever to activate the fire extinguisher, and sweeping the nozzle from side to side.

PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep)  


A heart rate can be taken at the inside of the wrist near the thumb or against the side of the neck near the jawline and counted for a full minute. The American Heart association identifies a heart rate between these two numbers as healthy.

 60-100 beats per minute


This service protects your internet connection and privacy online by creating an encrypted tunnel for data, hiding your IP address and allowing you to use public wifi hotspots safely. It allows you to browse sites from other countries such as Netflix.

VPN (virtual private network)


 When going on a date with someone new, you should tell a friend or family this and this to be prepared if something may happen AND THE police need to find you.

where you are going and license plate


high fructose corn syrup, MSG (Monosodium glutamate), artificial colors, and artificial flavors are all unhealthy ingredients to watch out for being listed where.

 in ingredient lists


Local communities should be prepared to act in isolation and provide care for the community for this number of days before receiving federal or state aid.

 5 days


 It is recommended that CPR be administered at a ratio of ____ number of chest compressions to rescue breaths.

30 chest compressions to every 2 rescue breaths


This type of scam involves utilizing this type of charger or storage key to install malware on devices. Common locations for this scam are public charging ports at airports, cafes, hotels, and bus stands. The FCC recommends carrying an external battery or using AC chargers to avoid the scam nicknamed “Juice Jacking.”



This type of information (abbreviated PII) can be used to identify a person and puts an individual at risk of scams or identity theft if shared. Examples include full name, social security number, drivers license number, credit card number, bank account information, personal address, phone number, or personal email address.

Personal Identifiable Information


This important source of nutrients is the brain's primary source of fuel when broken down into glucose. The Food and Nutrition Board of Institutes of Medicine recommends this nutrition make up 45-65% of daily intake for an active individual. Along with protein and fats, this source of fuel is known as macronutrients.
