The Wonderful Realm of Latria
Monsters of the Multiverse
Random Bullshit
Merlin's Spellbook
Otherworldly Knowledge

A place held somewhere outside the material plane of Latria that is often denoted as a safe-haven for adventurers, but also as an unknowable force of fate.

What is the Red Tavern?


A gargantuine monstrosity often considered to be the hardest creature to defeat in Dungeons & Dragons due to its sheer power. Some compare this creature to the fictional kaiju, Godzilla.

What is a Tarrasque?


A many-toothed reptile often found in the state of Florida that, interestingly enough, is incapable of sticking its tongue out.

What is an Alligator?


A spell that creates a large explosion of fire in a 20-foot radius that deals 8d6 damage at its base level.

What is Fireball?


The favorite play and current hyperfixation of Wils, who has created several Dungeons & Dragons character based off of this media.

What is Arsenic & Old Lace?


A nation based heavily off of the American Wild West that is home to a large desert filled with bandits and gunslingers.

What is The Stretch?


The undead remains of a powerful wizard reanimated by the wizard's own necrotic magic. The creature traditionally will be found dwelling in its lair. This is also the type of creature your host, Lucky, is.

What is a Lich?


The freezing point of water when measured in degrees Celsius.

What is 0oC?


A first-level spell often criticized for being completely useless due to taking away one's attack action for a turn while only gaining advantage on one attack in return.

What is True Strike?


The favorite animal of Marcus Field, who notably owns a tail and pair of ears resembling this animal for acessorizing purposes.

What is a fox?


The nation containing the location known as "What", famous for its name creating a delightful pun.

What is the Nation of Tar?

A humanoid able to transform itself into the form of a particular large beast. Part of a larger sub-species of humanoids with similar transformation abilities. Despite the deadly appearance of this creature's beast form, its alignment is traditionally Neutral Good.

What is a Werebear?


A light-blue tinted flavor of gatorade said to taste like berry and citrus, with possible hints of strawberry and cranberry.

What is Glacier Freeze?


A spell that deals lightning damage to a target that lingers around them, allowing the caster to make the target take the damage again on subsequent rounds.

What is Witch Bolt?


A creature from Japanese mythology resembling demons that Marcus Snyder is a major fan of, to the point of owning several trinkets depicting the creature.

What is an Oni?


A tiny nation southeast of the Astrian Empire inhabited mainly by a race of corgi-like humanoids that also happens to share a name with a famous nu metal band.

What is the nation of Korn?


A small elemental creature encompassing a combination of the earth and air elements. This elemental has the unique ability to explode upon death, blinding any nearby creature who is unable to dodge the attack.

What is a Dust Mephit?


A company made up from the two former fruit companies of Cuyamel Fruit Co. and Vaccaro Bros. that once ran several parts of South America using their monopoly in the banana industry.

What is Dole Fruit Company?


A Paladin spell with the surprisingly useful ability to make a creature actively want to fight you, though it does give them several debuffs while doing so.

What is Compelled Duel?


The Dungeons & Dragons character often played by Todd during one shots that is based off of Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Who is Blast Radius?


The race that originally inhabited the ancient battlefield island that is now occupied by the Darshroom.

What are Dwarves?


This creature takes the form of a massive glob of flesh, covered in eyeballs and mouths. The creature's root-like mass covers the ground ten feet around it, making it quite difficult to approach.

What is a Gibbering Mouther?


The full legal name of your favorite host, Lucky the All-Powerful Manevolent Lich King of Otherworldly Knowledge.

What is Aluckzander Dycen?


A 9th level spell that causes several creatures to be frightened, furthermore forcing them to take heavy psychic damage on each turn they fail a Wisdom save.

What is Weird?


An indie game series made using RPG Maker that is home to several dark themes and explicit content, one that Eleanor is a huge fan of.

What is Fear & Hunger?