Brock's Forretress is housed in this Apricorn-based Poké Ball.
What is the Fast Ball?
This Pokémon's Japanese name is サンダース, which is literally "Thunders."
What is Jolteon?
This move can hit multiple Pokémon; however, it does not deal spread damage the way most moves do. Instead, a single target is chosen, and the Pokémon adjacent to the target take 1/16 of their max HP.
What is Flame Burst?
Category: Anime Openings
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This lyric, which is longer than 10 words and ends in a two-letter word, comes after the following lyrics:
"It's a whole new world we live in
It's a whole new way to see
It's a whole new place with a brand new attitude"
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What is "But you still gotta catch 'em all and be the best that you can be"?